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Ministry News…..

Wow, we have had a BUSY summer!  Although our English Evangelism Clubs have stopped for the summer, we are still holding our Friday Night Bible Study and Compass is going strong too!  And we just got back from two back to back camps at the Azov Sea. The first week was our Kontaktmission Camp. There were missionaries from all over Ukraine, and it was great to see some familiar faces, hear about all of the different ministries going on, and get encouragement and support from fellow worker’s for the Kingdom.  And it was also wonderful to get a little chance to relax before we went into our next camp!

The second camp was our Family Camp and we had a lot of people from Compass there! Our theme for camp was Quest, and each day the campers had a quest to find Relationship, Joy, Love, Self, and God.  It was so amazing to watch them throughout the week and see how they opened up and started to actually hear the Gospel!  We also had the tremendous blessing of witnessing one of our Compass girls, Katia, get baptized in the sea.  It was an amazing experience for everyone there, and we are so thankful to have been part of her special day!!!  And last but not least, on the last night after Jon preached, 3 people came forward and said that they had prayed and asked Jesus into their hearts!  God is truly working here in Ukraine, and we are so thankful and blessed to be a part of it!!!!!

Right now we are gearing up for our English Evangelism Camp which starts on Monday. We will have students from 14 – 25 in attendance, and our theme is “Mission Impossible”!  We are so excited to see what kinds of impossible things God makes possible during this camp!!!!  Please pray for our campers, that they would be open and actually think for themselves instead of following the crowd, and for the workers to truly be the light and love of Jesus!

The kids are really enjoying their summer break, especially the 2 weeks at the sea! Now that they all know how to swim, it was hard to keep them out of the water! They built sandcastles, ate lots of ice cream, and made lots of friends and memories!  But they were also very happy to get home to their toys and their best friend Nakita!  Lauren loves swimming, but the water was a little cold for her so she mostly played with her buckets on the beach.  And, she just had her doctor’s check up and weighs 17.85 pounds and is 28 inches!  Such a peanut!!!!
We are LOVING having our own house! We have a garden where we planted tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, peppers, strawberries, parsley, green onions and my favorite, dill!  It has been so great being able to pick our own veggies, and the boys have been very helpful watering, weeding and picking veggies!  Jon’s office finally got finished and he is really enjoying finally having a quiet place to work.  We have gotten to know our neighbors whom are all very nice, and helpful, and we are hoping to have some of them over for dinner soon!
Well, we have good news, bad news, and more good news!  The good news, is that we have an AMAZING group of people and churches supporting us, both financially, and through prayer.  The bad news, is that since our first 5 year term has ended, we have had a few supporters who after fulfilling their 5 year commitment, have decided to support other ministries.  We would like to thank all of them, from the bottom of our hearts for their faithfulness to us and our ministries for the last 5 years, and for their continued prayer support.  Now, for more good news!  We have opportunities for more of you to become financial supporters and partner with us and what God is doing here in Ukraine!  We are currently down $700 a month in our support, and are praying that God would lead people to help fill that gap.  Whether you can give $10 a month, or $200, it is all going to help further the Kingdom of God here in Ukraine!  Thank you again to all of you who continue to support us in any capacity.  We know that we couldn’t be the hands and feet of Jesus without you!!!!!
Pray for Ukraine.  
Things seem to have calmed down a bit for now here politically, but continue to pray for peace in Ukraine! 

  1. Pray that there would be peace, but more importantly that Ukrainians would come to know the inner peace that passes all understanding that is only found in Christ Jesus.
  2. Pray that our ministries would be amply supplied to care for Ukrainians in the massive financial crisis. 
  3. Praise God for those who have come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.  Pray for their protection that they would not be snatched away, and that their faith and relationship with Jesus would grow daily.  
  4. Pray that we would find some new financial supporters so that we can continue to live and serve here in Ukraine.
  5. Pray for the students of our English Camp to have open hearts and minds to really hear the gospel and realize their need for Jesus in their lives.
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Thank you for praying and partnering with us.