Dear family, friends and supporters of South American Christian Mission,

Greetings from cool and cloudy  SW Colorado!

July started off for us in western Kansas, right at wheat harvest time.  We were blessed to stay with a family friend and to see first hand part of the harvest before sharing about our work with the church there.  On Independence Day we climbed the hill behind the house and saw some of the fireworks in town from a distance.  On Monday we were able to travel north to Nebraska to visit Sheri’s uncle David before heading back to Colorado to visit another congregation there.

After sharing with the church in NW Colorado we were blessed to share in a luncheon with the ladies’ group and have some one on one question time for some of them about the work the Lord has been doing through our ministry.  Also, for the first time since January of 2006, we were able to be together with both of our sons since Timothy took a couple of days to fly over from San Diego.  His wife was unable to come due to her job, but it was good to see both of our “boys” (now full grown men with their own families) together again.  After luncheon we traveled back to Grand Junction so that Timothy could catch his plane and we started heading back towards Missouri, to get ready for our next engagement.

After visiting one of our supporting congregations in NW Arkansas we traveled up to High Hill, Missouri to visit a long time friend and supporter of South American Christian Mission. There we were hosted by the Christian Camp and Retreat Center and got to visit some with the camp manager and his family before heading back to SW Missouri to spend time with Paul’s mother and our grandchildren and the rest of the family there. We received a phone call, asking if we could fill in for some missionaries who had cancelled their participation in Senior High week back at High Hill!  So after church on Sunday we headed back there for a week of many blessings as we interacted with the campers and staff.  It was a good chance to pick up ideas for the camp we’ll be hosting next year in Colombia! Our one regret is that our time was cut short due to the need to travel back to Colorado for a family reunion followed by a chance to speak at a congregation were some of our supporters attend.

So far we’ve traveled over 10,000 miles, slept in 16 beds, shared meals with many, many people and been blessed in countless ways. Some of the most touching times have been when individuals, congregations and others have laid their hands on us and prayed for us and our ministry.  We are truly humbled and honored to receive this most special blessing.

Meanwhile, back in Colombia, the church continues strong.  The team there is pulling together and the Lord is  blessing them in their faithfulness.  We rejoiced at the news that they organized a fellowship meal without our instigation, planning or execution – to the blessing of all who participated. They are also learning the importance of punctuality, something we’ve been striving to help them with.

Thank you for praying for us as we travel.  Thank you  for praying for the church in Colombia as we are away. Thank you for being a vital part of our ministry.  Your prayers and other support are bringing about great blessing in the hearts of many.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland


South American Christian Mission
“… to prepare the saints…”
Ephesians 4:12