With man it is impossible. 

“But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” – Matthew 19:26


Over the last few weeks in the midst of so much turmoil the Lord has allowed his people to be light and love to the nation of South Sudan.
First I would like to say thank you for all the prayer and support you have extended to LIA and our work in South Sudan. Through your generous giving we have been able to raise over $60,000 which allows us to meet the terms of the $40,000 matching grant to support our work in South Sudan! As an LIA we are so grateful for your prayers and support! God is so good! 
Some other good news is that our partners Teach To Transform (TTT) have taken a brave trip with several medical personnel and students to South Sudan to train and equip the local church to respond to the current humanitarian disaster.
Based in Yambo, located in South Sudan’s Western Equatorial State, the TTT team is work with our local church partners equipping them with disaster response training and emergency medical care training.
Please pray for the continued empowerment of our local church partners and the protection of the TTT team while they are in South Sudan.
Again, thank you so much for standing with LIA and the nation of South Sudan during this trying time. Together and with God this work is possible. Peace is possible. Restoration and revival in South Sudan is possible.

In Christ,

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