Please Pray for Carol!
July 15, 2015
We just received word from the U.S. that Carol’s mother Mary Louise Clevenger has passed away in Houston, Texas. She would have turned 91 years of age in September of this year.  She had just spent a couple of nights in the hospital and asked to go home then passed away during the night after returning to her house.
She will be interned in Scottsdale next to Carol’s father Howard Eugene who preceded her in death a number of years ago.
Mary Louise is from Clinton, Illinois although she spent most of her married life in Phoenix, Arizona.  She worked as a R.N. for the Good Samaritan hospital in Phoenix. Mary Louise grew up in Clinton, Illinois.   Her parents were members of the First Christian Church in Clinton, Illinois and her father J.C. Nelson was a long serving elder in that church.  There are many members of her family and extended family from that church and their many of their dependents still living in the Illinois area.  She is survived by Carol and Carol’s younger sister Ann as well as her brother John Nelson who lives in Orlando, Florida. She has four grandsons and eleven great grandchildren.  Her grandchildren and great grandchildren live in Texas and Australia.
It is hard to loose loved ones when we are so far away on the mission field, however the prayers and love shown by those who share in our ministry are a source of great comfort and blessing for us.  Thank you for your prayers!
Serving the Lord in the Philippines
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries