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Bringing the World of Missions to YOU!

World Missions Headlines & Links for July 15, 2015


Good Wednesday afternoon!  Please forgive the previous email that was sent. Somehow, the very incomplete version was scheduled. It was the mistake of the Executive Director!! This is the correct email! We are happy to send your summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday July 14, 2015 on the missions network.   An easy to use link is provided to each story, news report, and video.  

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest. Please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

July 14, 2015

CMF Intl – July 14 2015 – BUV draws interest at Tanzania trade fair

Pryor Ap Ma Project – July 2015 – Samban Wings of Christ and more

Hope for Haiti – new video from the KORE Foundation

MercyPartners South Sudan – July 14  2015 – Unhappy Birthday

GNPI Good News for the Week – July 14 2015 – Maya in Monterrey and Beyond


July 13, 2015

Sotiria International – July 2015 – 3 Years of Lifting Hope and Counting

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – July 13 2015 – Praise for the Sleep Specialist’s suggestions for Mike’s insomnia

the 180 Program – July 2015 – Training is coming to Knoxville TN

CMF is celebrating 65 years of ministry by planning for the future – video


July 12, 2015 

Central Brazil Mission July 2015 News – the Haubners celebrate 46 years in Brazil

Java Evangelism – July 12 2015 – Moving ahead…just never seems fast enough!

Cross Cultural Connection News – Linda Smyth in Hong Kong July 2015


July 10, 2015

English Church Service 2015 at Christusgemeinde

Pioneer Bible Translators July 12-18 Scriptures to Pray for Our Personnel

Pray for Jordan! – Pray for the Nations video

Lifeline Christian Mission – July 10 2015 – Last chance to join the Men’s Team to Haiti


July 9, 2015

It’s All About Relationship – July 2015 – An Online Course Changing Lives – Deadline Aug 17

Najmon Italy For Christ – July 9 2015 – June Report and August Plans

ICOM July 2015 Update – Advertising Info, Only 3 Booth Spaces Left and more

CMF Intl – July 8 2015 – New churches open in Mara North, Kenya

CMF Globalscope – July 8 2015 -Fun, friends and God mix well at Unterwegs camp out

The Cheat – a video from GNPI Africa and LivingStone International University


July 8, 2015

CMF Reach Internships – July 2015 – Anchored

Financial Safeguards for the Church – Summer 2015 – AFO and Chalet Retreat Ministries

Pray for pastors in Crimea and E Ukraine and more – July 2015 – Carillet Teaching Ministries Intl

In Their Own Words – Ordinary People/Extraordinary Stories video

Haitian Christian Outreach eStories – July 2015 – Belle Anse Prayer Walk Opens Doors

The Week in World Missions July 8 2015


Join people around the world in “Praying for the Nations”?


Each Friday a video is uploaded to the missions network

calling every one to unite in prayer for a specific nation (or people group) for 7 days.  In this issue of The Week in World Missions the video is “Pray for Jordan!” Friday morning July 17, we begin another week with a call to pray for a new nation or people


You can access the link by following us on Twitter (@MSA1946) or liking us on Facebook (MSA1946).  Use the video to unite a Sunday School class, missions team, or small group in specific prayer!  Of course the app makes sharing the video EASY, because you can show it to a friend with your phone or in a small group with your iPad.


Remember, the app is available at no charge for Android phones ( or for iPhone, iPad, & iPod ( Join people all around the world who have downloaded the app & join as we Pray for the Nations. 


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network
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