(1) Pray for the pastors of Crimea and East Ukraine.

More details maybe later in our newsletter. But prayer is needed now.

What I heard that has just happened in Crimea:

One service was interrupted by authorities.
The pastor was asked to identify who was reading the Bible when the raid occurred. He would not reveal that and is being detained.

A charismatic church or its leaders in Simf were accused of extremism. Extremism is punishable.
This just happened Sunday. I do not yet know what the penalty will be.

(2) Pray for one of the Center’s residents and her mother. One of the residents, a Christian, went to Natalka and told her about her friend whose mother has cancer and is to go to the oncology hospital. The mother stayed in the dorm overnight since she arrived too late to be let in the hospital. Natalka went to talk to the girl and her mother. The mother is not a believer but welcomed prayer.

And so the House on the Hill ministers.
Your prayers will minister too.
