“The Hand of God “







 South Sudan: Gudele Church – This past week struggles continue as CHOLERA spread among our school in Gudele with six students sick and vomiting. One Diagnosed positive with CHOLERA and taken to Juba Teaching Hospital. Teachers fear and refuse to clean after the children so our fellow native minister has pulled “ janitorial” duty among the mud walled dirt floor school. Sunday during Church gathering, one of the church members brought a baby boy, just months old, for prayer. His mother passed a few weeks ago. Our evangelists report “We prayed for the baby and asked the congregation to contribute something small for milk for the baby. To our surprise the money contribute was more than our Sunday offering which was 23 South Sudanese Pounds. The contribution was 242 SSP**. I saw the hand of God on the baby’s life.”  
 ( **242 South Sudanese Pounds roughly equates to $17 USD on todays market , about 15 days wages. As a comparison, medical treatment for one person for CHOLERA cost 56 SSP – equivalent to $4 USD. ) 
  • Our evaluation of CHOLERA EPIDEMIC is near completion – Pray that we may have wisdom in how to implement a successful plan to mitigate the disease. 
  • Pray for our native partners as the burden to care for their people in the name of Jesus has increased. May we come to provide the needed resources during this time of great anxiety.
  • Pray for the orphan boy, that his life may be protected and that a surrogate mother be presented in his life in the likeness of the encounter that baby Moses had. (We are a stones throw from the Nile!) 



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