Updates from http://saldis-in-france.weebly.com/thought-blog

Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

Independence Day

Jul 04, 2015 11:51 am

It’s been a truly eye-opening last 6 months here in France. Some things are different, some things are very different. Some things are confusing. 
The more we are here the more apparent it is that Freedom through Jesus is a foreign concept in France. Now that we are to a point where holding a conversation is somewhat easier, that means we get to chat more and more with French about life. 
I got a few really good questions in the last few weeks. ‘Why do you have to learn French?’ ‘Who sent you here?’ ‘Who is in charge of the ‘evangelical’ church?’ ‘Why would you leave your job to come here?’ 
The questions are stirring for me (Greg). Usually they are from French people who have quickly let me close to them and sometimes over a glass of wine or meal. The questions are always with respect but my answers seem like a foreign language to my audience (THAT USED TO BE A RELEVANT SAYING….NOW I’M NOT SO SURE).
We claim, as Christians, that Christ brings freedom. To many French, they have never seen that or heard it truly expressed in a way that makes sense to them. Our prayer is that relationships can be built so that we have the opportunity to explain and answer more questions about who Jesus is and why ‘the Church’ matters. It never was easy even in Greensburg, Cumberland or Roanoke Rapids but the added cultural and language barriers mean more and more care must be taken. 
So today we are reminded of not just the freedom that our home country (the USA, in case you didn’t know) holds, but also the freedom that Christ promises not just for certain people who do certain things or speak a certain language but for all people.

Isaiah 49.9 (NLT)-
I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’
    and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’

Esaïe 49.9 (LSG)
Pour dire aux captifs: Sortez! Et à ceux qui sont dans les ténèbres: Paraissez!

Schedule update for the Saldis

In 2 weeks we have our final level tests. Pray that we will study hard like last time and do well! 

In about 3-4 weeks we will be moving to Loches, France for our time in training. Pray that we will have a smooth time moving and that our new work will be fruitful.

Due to our movements, we ask if you would like to send something to wait until closer to the end of the month and mail it to our new address. If you would like that, please contact us via email, iMessage or Facebook.

Greg had the great pleasure to play a few games with the Albertville Vikings Baseball Club. It was great to get to know some guys who share the same interests!

Our family visited Lyon with a few friends over our last break. We had a really good time and got to see some great sites. The photo is from La Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière looking down on the city.

Thanks again to all of you who do so much for us. We are so thankful for you!