by Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline Co-founder
In May, a medical team from Prince Edward Island, Canada traveled to Grand Goave, Haiti to serve in the clinic, construct homes, minister to the people in the community through clothing and food distribution, and much more.
One day while the team was serving in the health clinic, I received an urgent email at the Lifeline Ohio office: a little baby boy had a rapidly growing, large tumor on his right cheek and the doctors and nurses wanted to know where to refer the baby for the surgery. I hadn’t seen a tumor like this on a baby before in Haiti, so I forwarded the photo to my friend in Haiti, Mona Adams, who works in the health care outreach of the First Lady of Haiti, Sophia Martelly. Mona shared the photo with the First Lady and immediately responded as to where to send the baby.
But they went a step further…they had Lifeline bring the mother and baby to the palace in Haiti where they promptly took him on to the hospital. By the time this all took place, a few days had gone by and the baby had stopped sucking for 2 days due to the growth and interference from the tumor. Well, the surgery was a huge success! The tumor was a benign fluid type growth that was removed without even having to cut clear through into the baby’s mouth and it healed well.
A few weeks later, while I was in Haiti, Mona sent the mother and baby back to see us in clinic and it was amazing to see what God has done. This cute little guy was sucking good and the mother was beaming!!! Another great story to give glory to God.
We were holding clinic the day the mother and baby came and the hallway was packed with waiting patients; they were all fascinated by this baby and the story that went with him. We were able to give a testimony to those patients. The visiting nursing students and instructors from Cox School of Nursing in Springfield, MO enjoyed the opportunity to hear the story of the little guy and see his healing incision that went from above and behind his right ear all the way down to his neck and up to above his upper lip. It will heal with minimal scarring!
The mother was so happy and when I asked her if I could share the photos with our friends back in the U.S. and she promptly gave her blessing.
God provided….He provided the team from PEI Canada who “just happened” to be in the clinic at the right time; He provided Mona to guide us to the right hospital; and He provided the funds for the surgery (paid for by the Haitian First Lady’s “Foundation Pink and White” which ministers to vulnerable women and children).