Travelin’ Miles: like a pregnant woman
June 2015


So happy to welcome Everett Cahoun Ashley, new little son of Philip and Heather Ashley – and my first grandchild.  He was born May 20, 2015.  (On Nathan’s side we now have 12 grandchildren, and one more on the way.)

Prayer prompts

Praise God that we were able to complete the exegetical checks and back-translations of the Aruamu books of Nehemiah and Zechariah this last month.
Right now different team members are working on the following books:
Martin Ases: doing spell-checking and basic checks of the draft of 2 Samuel

John Igos: drafting Habakkuk

Steven Dazim: doing spell-checking and basic checks of the draft of Jeremiah

Sue Ellen Wrenn: typing in the text of the Ezekiel draft

Marsha Miles: going over and compiling questions on the draft of Isaiah, in preparation for the exegetical check
Thank you for interceding for us!

“We have to think like a pregnant woman.”
Dear friends and family,
My Aruamu co-workers, Martin Ases and John Obnadum, are continuing working in Dallas on translation checking of Old Testament books.  Earlier this month, as we were discussing our program plan and goals, Martin made the comment, “We have to think like a pregnant woman.”  I asked Martin what he meant by that, and he explained.  Later I asked him to write out what he said.  This is what he wrote:
“We, the Aruamu Bible Translation Team, we are doing a very big job. The Aruamu translation is the vision in our heart. We are doing this job so that God can transform  the lives of our Aruamu people through his Word in our language.. So we must be faithful and careful about this translation.
“Though we have had many circumstances along our way, we still must be faithful and careful. We have to think like a pregnant mother.  She must be careful about the baby in her womb.  She will go through many hard things every day, so that the baby can be born alive.  And after the baby grows and is born, she will see his or her face, and she will be full of joy.
“In same way, we the Aruamu translation team must be faithful and careful about our translation. We must look out after it so that when the Aruamu OT is published, the people will have the full Aruamu Bible, and they will hear it and read it so that the Word of God will transform their lives.  And when we see the transformation in the Aruamu area, this will make our vision of the Aruamu translation come to pass.  And this will be a great blessing for our people.
“We must give ourselves to the Lord fully and must look out after our vision, so that it will be born alive.When we protect it this vision, and give birth to it, it will be like a light, and it will lead the Aruamu people in the future.”

I must admit, it never occurred to me that doing Bible translation and be part of bringing God’s Word to LIFE for a whole people group  is like being pregnant and carrying a child to term.  But, I think Martin has a good insight here!
It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul said in Galatians 4:19: “My dear children in the faith, it is like I am  in the pain of childbirth, until Christ is formed in you.” The fruit of our labor is that LIVES are transformed!  THAT is what makes all of our efforts WORTH it!

Thanks for being part of our team, through your prayers and encouragement.

Declaring his glory,
(for Nathan – and John and Martin, as well!)


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