CMF International News



Work in Central Asia produces ‘amazing fruit’ among Muslims


God is working in the hearts of Muslims in a very hard place, according to former CMF missionaries David and Donna Anderson. They saw first-hand evidence of that on their most recent return trip to the country in Central Asia where they lived and served for several years.

Help with food staples.


“Our last trip to Central Asia in May filled our hearts with joy and excitement,” said Dave. “We got to hear the testimony of a new believer in Christ, who has recently been baptized. We had the privilege of studying the Bible together. You could see the tears in the new believer’s eyes when we prayed – that God would care.”


The Andersons also got to see another class of 10 women graduate from the sewing classes they started with help from their donors. The women keep their sewing machines when they graduate so they can earn a small income.


“We learned that there is a waiting list of moms to take the three-month class, so we approved an increase to 15 per class,” said Donna.


The Andersons’ also helped distribute food packages to 10 very needy families.


“A family receives a month’s supply of basic food staples: rice, flour, beans, oil, tea, sugar and salt,” said Dave. “With support from our donors, we’ve been able to feed 10 families each month. Since November, devaluation of the local currency has raised the cost of these staples from $50 to $65, a problem that is making it even harder on the poor here.”


Another stop for the Andersons was the School for Street-Working Children where they served previously.


Learning computer skills.


“Thanks to a business in Colorado, the school is receiving several laptop computers,” said Dave. “It was such a great joy to see these young people learn how to use a computer.”


“Many of you have prayed faithfully and given generously to this ministry for years,” added Dave. “Don’t lose heart! Keep the prayers coming and rejoice with us in this time of harvest! The Gospel message of love is the greatest tool that Christians have.”


If you would like to help the Andersons minister to the Muslims – especially women and children — of Central Asia, go here.