News & Prayer Updates from Indonesia

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free


Dear Friends and Partners of Java Evangelism,


The landlord still needs to do some repairs on the building, but we have use of it already.   The man who will help develop the income-generating mini mart will have arrived with his wife, who will teach at Fast Start and their son (9) and daughter (2) by the time this hits your inbox.   Preparations for the set up of the mini mart and for Operation Opportunity (OK or Operasi Kesempatan in Indonesian).


Please pray that we will be able to get the ball rolling before we return to Java for teaching and preaching, including speaking for the graduation at the Christian Church Theological School of Indonesia in Salatiga and to share a paper on the basic biblical doctrines of salvation and the church at a Leadership Symposium.


We had a very busy but productive five days with the video and photography team send and underwritten by Savannah Christian.


We are heartbroken to learn that a dear friend who worked for years in Aceh following the tsunami has been diagnosed with a malignant growth extended from the left side of his neck down into his upper chest.   Details are still sketchy.   Teddy (called Tom in these updates when he was in a sensitive area) is married to Santy (whom we called Sarah) and has one elementary age son and a kindegarten aged daughter.   Please pray for God’s intervention.  Teddy and family now live in their hometown of Manado, a Christian majority enclave in North Sulawesi.



Yours Until All Have Clearly Heard,


Dennis and Lynn Free