Here are a few more
comments of students who have just taken the RELATIONAL EVANGELISM course.  


Those who take this course and do the work,
are becoming well equipped to personally share the Good News with others they know and meet in life.  
1.  “Evangelism has always been intimidating and somewhat frightening to me. On top of that, most evangelism tactics have always seemed, to me, to be unrealistic, ineffective, wouldn’t have long term results, and didn’t make sense. This course has introduced me for the first time to a tactic that makes complete sense to me and has gotten me excited to put it into practice. Now that I have an outline that makes sense, that I can realistically see having long term results, I see it as a way around the intimidation and fear. “

2.  This has been great. I feel like I’ve been given the secret ingredient to sharing Jesus. It has sparked another flame inside me.

3.  IAAR gives me an entire “package” or “system” to use. I really like that it includes everything from getting to know someone all the way through how to follow up on any questions that come up. With this, I now have a method of going from “start to finish”. All of this gives me confidence that I (and anyone else) can take a person through a process for them to hear, evaluate, and respond to the gospel. Good stuff. Thanks!

4.  I now have an effective method to introduce, stay on track, and present the gospel in a way that allows the other person to evaluate it. I don’t think I had doubts, fears, or concerns… I was simply not equipped. Now I am.

5.  I realize I need to repent of not loving God enough to obey Him in this area, I don’t love my fellow men enough to share the Good News with them. I am not breaking a sweat making disciples. In part because the tools I was using were not the best, but mostly because I do not want to work hard, don’t want to sacrifice, don’t want to pour  my life out as an ambassador of Christ…..this whole class have brought conviction to my heart about this area of negligence. It is now clear in my mind that I need to make a U-turn. Thanks to IAAR I now have a good tool to go out into the world with the desire to love God and love people enough to engage them into conversations, trusting that by the Holy Spirit grace I will be able to share the Gospel with many of them.

6.  This is from someone who is taking the course to ‘brush up’. 
I have used this presentation for the last 30 years with literally hundreds of people and have found it to be the most effective means of leading someone to Christ and actually beginning the disciplining process.  What a joy it has been to sit in the front row and watch as God changes lives through this study.  And to have the blessing of baptizing them into Christ.  I am so glad that you all are learning this and I pray you will use it and find it fruitful. 

7.  This comes from a congregation whose entire staff is taking the course: We can see a shift coming in how our church goes about evangelizing and disciple making.  EXCITING!!

Do any of these ring a bell for you?   What are you waiting for?

Who do you know that you can encourage to take this 8 week ONLLINE training?
       And what about YOU?


People are being





to share the Gospel  

and it is changing their lives and

will be changing the lives of

many others.


Why would you not want to have this kind of experience, or see those in your ministry/mission have it?

   I’m wondering what your story

would be after taking this training?
            There is only one way to find out!

The next course starts August 17.
Pre-registration deadline is August 3.
Write Phil Towne at
Cost to audit it is $50.00
Copyright © 2015 John Hendee, All rights reserved.