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  Prayer Pointes – June 2015

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Mike, a community group leader at NorthPointe and one of our strongest teachers. Mike is passionate about apologetics and equipping Christians to be able to defend our faith with a loving spirit. In August, Mike will be attending an exclusive apologetics seminar in North Carolina. Please pray that Mike will benefit from his time and be able to further equip NorthPointe’ers to be able to have confidence in why we believe what we believe.

Please pray for Ben. Ben is graduating from High School this year and then heading to college this Fall. His heart is to move back to Rhode Island after college and get a job where he can live missionally and make a difference for God’s Kingdom in the business world. Pray that this desire will continue to burn in Ben’s heart and that God will use him for His glory.

Please pray for Jim. Jim’s daughter, Hannah, has been attending NorthPointe on her own for over a year and is heavily connected to our student ministry. Recently, Jim has started attending NorthPointe and is asking great questions about faith. He grew up going to church, but has not gone regularly since leaving home. Please pray that Jim finds his way back to God.

SouthPointe Christian Church


We met Xavier (pronounced ‘Javier’) 4 years ago, even before SouthPointe launched. He led a community health organization. Through our relationship with him, SouthPointe began to partner with this organization. About a year-and-a-half ago, he unexpectedly showed up at church for the first time. He attended sporadically for 6 months, and then we didn’t see him for 6-8 months. He has since stopped working at our community partner and is now working about an hour away. I (Tanner) wasn’t sure that we would ever see him again, but then he and his wife showed up this past winter. Since then, he has come faithfully and has started participating in a home group (the same group of which I’m a part). Recently, he shared how he has started to make major life decisions based on God’s Word for the first time. Pray that God continues working in Xavier’s life.


Fourteen months ago, James was addicted to drugs and alcohol. He had dropped out of high school and described himself as a “terrible son, father, and brother.” In particular, he had an extremely broken relationship with his stepfather. In the last year, God has worked in amazing ways in his life. James committed to follow Jesus. He got his GED and even started to college. Every month I am privileged to represent the faith-based community and get to speak to every single person on parole and probation in our whole county. James joined me last month and told his story. Also, his boss (a fellow SouthPointer) at his new job told me, “James has completely changed our whole work environment. People love him, and he has made such a difference.” James is even leading our new Celebrate Recovery program, which just had 47 people on our first night, one of whom was James’s stepfather (with whom he now has a great relationship). Pray that God will use James in ways beyond what we can ask or imagine.


Tammy (not her real name) has a HUGE heart. She will do anything for anybody, even in the midst of her desperate situation. She has 6 kids, 5 of whom are still living with her. Without going into many details, her husband has treated her really, really, really poorly and just left her. She doesn’t have a steady job, but God is giving her peace. She has started coming to SouthPointe consistently in the last few months, and God is using our church to show her who He is. Pray for her perseverance and growth in faith.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Owen has been coming with his family for over a year. They have been slowly giving Jesus control in their lives. Through involvement in a class, Owen has decided to be baptized this weekend! In response to his decision, Owen’s four children have decided to be baptized, too. Please pray that their commitment to Jesus will begin to free this family from generations of addiction. 


There are at least two marriages within BridgePointe that have been devastated by unfaithfulness. Please pray for humility, repentance, forgiveness, and the beginning of restoration. Please also pray for many other marriages that are facing difficult seasons or issues.


Please pray for Nadine, the mother of a girl in Caroline Cowgur’s kindergarten class. Through a God ordained opportunity, the Cowgurs were able to hear her story, invite her to a service, and begin sharing the Gospel with her. Please pray that Nadine will consistently connect with the church and choose to commit to Jesus.

OceanPointe Christian Church


We just celebrated the baptisms of Gilberto and Ann Marie! And there are more to come… Jeff is talking right now with several people who are considering baptism. Please pray for hearts to be opened to the truth of God’s unconditional love so that we can see lives changed and hope restored.


We have an exciting update on Kerri! She’s come to church three times, arriving at 6:30 for setup and staying until after we unload at 12:45. She even calls OceanPointe “my church” now! Praise God with us for the changes already apparent, and pray with us for her faith to grow. Along with Kerri, please continue to pray for the rest of our student ministry. The junior high group is multiplying, but several high school students are moving. Please pray for unity, growth, and revival in this ministry.


Please join us once again in prayer for our 24/7 space. God has blessed us already with a convenient space next-door, the people to fill it, and many generous financial contributions. Please pray that we can meet our financial goals and accept God’s timing over our own. We are excited to dream about “What If” and let God direct our next steps!

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
