Great Is His Faithfulness

“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God” – Psalm 95: 2 – 3a


There was a point last week when I drove into the LIA Center and walked through the large oak doors that open up into the lobby of the Office Block that I realized I couldn’t hear the sound of drilling.
There weren’t movers lugging furniture here and there or Kenya Power electricians perched on a ladder somewhere twisting wires, there was just an almost awkward silent calm.  As I walked passed the steps before entering the International Office I heard faint singing coming from upstairs.  The LIA Kenya team was having their morning devotions. They were singing a hymn.  
“Great is they faithfulness, oh God my Father / there is no shadow of turning with thee / Thou changest not, they compassions, they fail not / as though has been thou forever will be.”
I lingered at the foot of the steps a little while, taking in the melodious sound as their voices echoed down the stairs before going into my office. There, seeing my bare walls and nothing more than a filing cabinet and a desk with a bright green chair tucked behind it I had to pause and just thank God. In that moment the Lord’s faithfulness was so clear.
Though I do need to do a little decorating in my office I can now say we, as an LIA team, are settled in our new home and the Lord continues to take us from strength to strength (Psalm 84:5-7). Over the course of the last couple of weeks we’ve had a restaurant ask us if they could manage the LIA Center dining room, we’ve held our first ever training seminar at the LIA Center and new people have joined the LIA team to continue to propel this vision forward. God has been so faithful throughout the whole process of establishing a home for LIA and I ask you to join me in THANKING GOD.
So as you take time to remember us in prayer today, thank God for His faithfulness and thank Him for entrusting you and I with a burden for this ministry. We do not do this for our glory but it is He who does it through us so that His kingdom may come. 

In Christ,

ps. click here for a video tour of the LIA Center Office Block 

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