Breaking News

1 John 3:17-18 (NASB)
“But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?  Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.”


Breaking News: May 24, 2015
Sande Incident: Lahore, Pakistan

Christian Man Accused of Blasphemy.  Violence Attacks from Shi’ites and Christians flee from their homes.

This was an unfortunate incident that happened shortly after the Youhunabad incident (in Lahore).  To read about this in our previous newsletter, click HERE

This Sande incident was also not far away from Youhunabad.  A Christian man, who was considered mentally impaired, and a drug addict was accused of burning newspaper pages that had Qur’anic verses on it, and was accused of blasphemy.  This time, the attack was from the Shi’ites, not from the Sunnis (who are the majority Muslim group, here).  (Sunni and Shi’ite are the two main majority groups of Muslims, in the Muslim world). 

This just comes to show that Muslims are taught to not have tolerance for Christians, no matter what sect they come from.  Not everybody is this way, but this is what they are taught, in the Madrasas (Islamic Schools).  We must pray for these people.

When the violence became to its extreme, they were going to attack a church, nearby (see the photo, down below).  However, policemen and armed guards came over and prevented it from happening.  The Christians, in this area fled and so far, have not returned back to their homes (as much as we know).  A friend of ours came and gave us some “insider” photos.

What is sad about this incident is that the Pakistani media didn’t try to cover this, very much.  It shows their feelings of indifference about this event.

Christians are not safe from terrorist attacks and they are not safe, either, from Extremist Muslims, who are the true followers of Islam.  

The Church that was almost attacked, but thanks to the Policemen and Armed Guards, the attack was prevented.

Policemen were walking with Bamboo Sticks and guns.

Houses that were attacked.

Houses with doors that were locked.  This indicated the Christians who left and have not come back yet, as far as we know.


Praise the Lord!
May 24, 2015
(Temperature 107.6 Degrees Fahrenheit)

To see more on this, see our last newsletter, by clicking HERE.

The Sewing Center Director

Click HERE to watch a Short Documentary on the Sewing Center.

The purpose of the Sewing Center is to help women develop skills to be able to help financially support themselves, and make money for their families.  In Pakistan, if a woman comes from a family that does not make a lot of money, and does not have education, by the time she grows up, she often will work as a maid in someone else’s home.  Oftentimes, this is seen as a very disrespectful job.  The Sewing Center is a way for them to learn Sewing as a skill, so they can sell and make clothes to make income.  Our Sewing Center was launched a year ago. 

Currently, we have 11 Students, including Muslim women.  Last year, our Sewing Center had a strong start, but somehow, it slowed down a little bit.  Sometimes, these women have to have cooperation from their families, husbands, etc.  However, we are excited to encourage and motivate these women to bring the Sewing Center forward!  We have a Sewing Center Director, and then, another woman who works as a teacher.

The teacher said that when she started working here, she considered it to be a small job, but within a few months, the condition of her home improved, drastically.  And this was, financially.  This job helped improve the condition of her home.  The ladies were very friendly, and really enjoyed our visit.

One Muslim woman came to meet us, there, and told us that her daughter is alone, taking care of her 3-month old baby, because her daughter’s husband took off on her.  Her daughter was working as a maid in other people’s houses, and, because of her baby, these people fired her, and told her that she couldn’t work in their homes, anymore.  This lady wants to bring her daughter to our Sewing Center, so that her daughter can be skilled and make some money selling clothes.  What a great opportunity to interact with Muslim women and make a difference in their lives, through the Sewing Center, which is impossible, otherwise.

Also, Praise the Lord!  We are now starting to get customers from the US!


Brittany with the Sewing Center Ladies
One young lady showing us a baby outfit that she stitched.
Learning how to cut fabric.  These ladies are making an “A-Line Dress,” which is a Shalwar Kameez (typical Pakistan dressing) outfit for women.
Here’s Brittany and Amelia.  The Sewing Center made Amelia three dresses (more specifically, “Shalwar Kameezes,” the typical dress, in Pakistan).  This was dress #1.
Dress #2.
Dress #3.

New Hope School Updates

NHCMP School Principal


On April 12, 2015, our school had their Result Awards Program.  Students found out their results, and we handed out awards to the top achievers.  Our Principal conducted the Program.  

One young girl, who is probably around 15 or 16, now, started our school, when she was 11.  She had never been in school, before.  Had she not have been in school, she would probably be engaged to be married, right now.  She told us that she did not want to marry until she is done with her studies.  She thanked us, from the bottom of her heart, for the opportunity to receive education.

In Pakistan, Education is considered one of the top priorities, among the people.  With Education, you can get respect, a good job and a good future.  Without Education, you most likely cannot.  In other words, your life will most likely be miserable.  We are happy to help these young kids receive education, and give them hope for a bright future.  

Here are some photos, below, from our ceremony.

The Trophies awarded to the Students


How to Donate to NHCMP:

We really appreciate your love, prayers and support.  You are the chain that holds this Ministry, on the other end.  Because of you, and the Grace of God, we are able to achieve and accomplish all of this, so far, in Pakistan, for the Kingdom of God.


Donating through the Mail:

Please make your check out to:  Eagle Christian Church

Memo Line: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to Send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, ID 83616


Donations are Tax-Deductible