The quakes in Nepal may have disappeared from news headlines, but the work to Restore Nepal is far from finished.

Please take a moment to watch this brief video below.


Unfortunately, when news of the Nepal earthquakes disappeared from the headlines, about 75% percent of aid organizations disappeared from the country as well.

So far, CICM along with IDES has provided 600 tents for the homeless and 50 pound bags of rice, supporting over 3,000 displaced families.

We praise God for your generous hearts and donations that made this possible.

But…the need is far from satisfied.

CICM is in need of funds to purchase approximately 1,000 tents and food for 5,000 families. In some of the villages where CICM is working, there are no standing structures, and these tents will serve as the only shelter available for the people there. CICM pastors have reported that Nepalese people are literally starving, and with monsoon season approaching, this dire situation threatens to only get worse.

While the need is still great, every gift counts from the smallest to largest. To provide one tent and food for 3 months to a family costs only $100.

If you feel led to join in CICM’s efforts to Restore Nepal, please visit our website,, or click the “Give Now” button below.

Thank you for your prayers, love and support as CICM works to bring physical and spiritual healing to a people desperate on the other side of our world.

Give Now

For more information or to give a gift online, visit our website at

Please designate your check or online gift to “Restore Nepal”.

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22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401