Team Expansion report for May
     John and Carla Hendee


I will attend the San Diego African Culture Fest with Abe on June 6th.  This is sponsored by the Somalian community in San Diego.  A large percentage of them are Muslims.  Abe knows the leaders of the organization sponsoring the Culture Fest and he has a good relationship with them. Abe thinks there is a good possibility that I could end up sharing some of my seminars with these people in the future.  This is going to get interesting.  Please be in prayer for all that is developing here.
My work with these Christian brothers has begun. 
     I’ve been going to Abe’s office every Friday from about 1PM till about 8PM.  Abe is the one to the left.  
Abe is from Ethiopia.  He has his Masters degree from UCSD.  He is well connected with people in his area of S.D. which has over 100,000 people from Africa.
     I will start teaching A Dragon Slayers Life (my book) to a group of people next Friday night. These sessions will likely run all summer.  They are so excited about this and believe this will be an ongoing teaching for their people.  
   They have also asked me to teach a number of other classes or seminars when we finish with Dragons.  
     We are also starting to do “It’s All About Relationship” with different people each week.  I’ll start this Firday night with Samson, another man from Ethiopia with a long history of drug abuse.    
     Abe will be taking my Relational Evangelism online course starting June 1.  His goal is to get as many leaders among his contacts to take the course as possible. Beyond training people here, his dream is to train and send some back to Africa to train leaders there. 
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John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019