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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

An update from our youngest teammate

May 27, 2015 04:41 pm

You always hear from Nikki or Greg. For a lot of you you have a little more interest in teammate #3 (that’s Ophelia if you haven’t caught on)! So we took some time yesterday to interview her to get her feelings on France and to tell you more about her life. 

Q: What’s something you like about France?
A: Sticker books! (those would be disney sticker books she gets when she is particularly good) Playing in the backyard too! And all of the buddies at school! She named off a list of 10 real people followed by a mixture of princesses and cartoon characters.

Q: What do you do at church?
A: Play! (Sensing a theme here) And we sing lots of songs like Zacchaeus and the B-I-B-L-E.

Q: And what about at school? What do you do there?
A: I play with all my FRIENDS! (Emphasis was hers. Sometime later in life I’ll see a hearing specialist because of that)

Q: Can you speak some French for me?
A: Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six. Oiseau. Ca va? Ca va bien!

Q: Do you miss anyone?
A: Grandma and Grandpa (That’s all of them of course. She took a break here to run around in a circle and eat a handful of cereal)

Q: What’s one thing you want to tell everyone reading?
A: Jesus!

No really. She said all of those things. I’ve spent so much time trying to find profound answers for questions over the years. Just goes to show you if you really want answers, ask the kids!

We’re doing great here. Heading into the stretch run of school and moving into phase two of our time here in France shortly. Thank you all for your grace, generosity (financial/spiritual/time), prayers, updates and text messages or letters from home. Each is a treasure to us.

Greg, Nikki (AND OPHELIA!) 

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