LIA May News & Events


Activity continues to ramp up for LIA thanks to our great God who is making so much possible! This week, the LIA International Board was in Nairobi for their annual meeting, where they reviewed reports and gave governance and oversight to the ministry. It was the board’s first meeting in our new Karen Training Center and as a team we were so excited for this new chapter God has brought us into. Keep us in your prayers as the Lord takes us from strength to strength.

Here are a few ways to engage with LIA this month:  

  • Restored Health and Renewed Hope in Haiti
  • GMHC Africa is just around the corner
  • Pledge to transform together with LIA this Spring
  • Catch great moments from the field on LIA’s Instagram

This work would not be possible without your support. Thank you for Transforming. Together with LIA this year.

-The LIA Team

Transform. Together. this Christmas

Learn: More about our work in Haiti 

Even though it’s been five years since the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti many people are still trying to rebuild their lives. 

Learn how the LIA clinic in Beaudouin is working to restore hope for the young mothers in it’s community. 

Read Marah’s story


LIA HQ in Texas

Pledge: To Transform. Together. this Spring

Join LIA and become a sustaining partner during our fifth annual Spring Pledge Drive! We are working to raise enough support to enable vulnerable families to be transformed this year.

Walk alongside our local church partners as they are empowered to have a lasting transformation on the most vulnerable in their communities. 

Partner with us today!

Letter of Reflection and Thanksgiving

Save The Date: GMHC Africa

Registration for the third annual Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) Africa is now open! 

Join hundreds of like-minded missions-oriented people, churches and organizations in Nairobi, Kenya on September 10th – 12th.

Register for GMHC Africa 2015 today!

Watch highlights from GMHC 2014

Follow: @LIAsojourner on Instagram

Wish you could be in the field to witness all of the transformational development taking place?

Follow @LIAsojourner on Instagram to get real time snapshots of the communities we serve and the lives we touch. 


Copyright © 2013. Life In Abundance, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Our giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266