Lifeline Christian Mission - ministering to the Navajo
Showers of Blessings
by Brian Snyder, Lifeline’s Administrator & Missionary to the Navajo

“April showers bring May flowers” is a saying I remember from my time in the Midwest, but that normally isn’t the case in Arizona. In fact, most of our rain comes in July and August. I know what is going on though…many of you are still praying for rain out here and God is answering that prayer. Thank you! We have had more rain in April and May than many can remember, but we are not complaining at all. God is good…all the time!

School Highlights & News
April seemed to fly by because there was a lot going on again. The month started with some school events that took us in some new directions:
  • First off, we had a field trip to Bearizona. The kids had a blast at this drive and walk adventure, and it was an incredible day for these young minds to see – in person – the things they have been studying in science. The bears climbing the trees were one of the favorites, but the playful otters and the baby bear cubs certainly stole their attention, as well.
  • A second event (but rather hated by the students) was spring testing. This gives a great sense of how the students are doing and how the school is doing overall. It is a long week, but the students did great and we expect to receive their test scores very soon.
  • For the first time ever, we held a Scholastic Book Fair for the school. One of our teachers, Dawn Springer, organized this and it brought in over $500 in book sales. This provides the school with book credits and other items that will help us in the reading programs at school. Several of you purchased online books for the classroom and we thank you for that as well!

Our goal for next year’s enrollment is 36 students. This is a giant leap for us, but certainly doable. We held an annual meeting for parents to complete their paperwork and register students for next year and a couple new parents arrived to check out the school; it was a great (but kind of chaotic) night for the school. Papers were flying everywhere, but we have several families completely registered and ready for the upcoming school year. So far we are at 29 students! Praise God! Two students will be graduating 8th grade: Bailey Snyder and Shyla Jesmer will be moving on, but we are thrilled to see their progress and faith as they take this next step! Of course, they are going to get me for this picture below, but I couldn’t resist.

school events
top: Bearizona field trip; bottom: we’ll miss our graduating 8th graders, and our first book fair


The Point newsletter
Read more school news in the May edition of “The Point”

The last big news with the school is that GOD BROUGHT US A PRINCIPAL!!!!! Todd Hunt has been hired as our new Principal at Red Sands Christian School. He is a deacon in his church, has a Master’s degree in Education, and has been teaching locally in Winslow at the high school. He will officially join us June 29 and we couldn’t be more excited! Todd is an incredibly faith-driven man who comes with many experiences and giftedness that will help us all. He is currently finishing his teaching in technology and robotics at the high school and he is also coaching football with the Jr and Sr. High JV teams. Todd is great with students and has a passion to see all children grow in faith and in their academics. One great thing (for me) is that he loves the outdoors as well, and we discussed his upcoming role as we kayaked up the creek on a Saturday morning. Please continue to pray for the school and for Todd as he joins the team and we start the next school year strong!

Red Sands' new principal
Todd, our new principal at Red Sands Christian School
Church News
In my last newsletter, I mentioned a new direction for the church ministry. We had prayed for a Navajo minister for years, but God told us to wait. Now we see why, and it was because there are lots of Navajo ministers who need us. There is almost no training and mentoring/discipleship going on in the reservation. Evangelism is everywhere, but no one wants to take the time to disciple, especially discipling and mentoring the pastors in the churches. So God showed us how to reach them, and last month we took Red Sands Christian Church out on the Navajo Reservation. The church gathered at Red Sands for prayer and communion, and then we went to a small church in Leupp (pronounced “loop”) on the reservation. We worshipped, prayed and listened to the message. After the service was over, we gathered the Pastor and his wife and we (the Red Sands church) gave them gifts: flowers, fry bread ingredients (flour, lard, etc.), a gift card and bag of potatoes were given to the family. Three ministry books that helped me in ministry were given to the pastor, as well as a set of commentaries on a USB drive. They were so appreciative. The rest of the church wasn’t sure what was going on and we didn’t want to make a show of it, but rather simply bless the pastor and his wife. We realize that mentoring and encouraging must start by building these relationships. Dawn Springer, Barb Snyder and I realized that this is why we are here. It brought us back to the reason for coming and it became an incredible morning that God richly blessed. We’ll do this again in May and will update you in June. Our prayer is that the pastors will see the love, begin to trust and a true discipling and mentoring ministry can begin.



If you have a book that would be beneficial to these pastors,
please let me knowBetter yet, let me know and then feel free send us 
4-6 copies of the book to bless these pastors. 
We really want to provide them with resources, encouragement and blessing in their ministry.

A multitude of thanks
As always, thank you so much for your prayers and financial support of the ministry to the Navajo. We cannot do this without you all and, most importantly, without God being in the center. We love serving, but we love the One we serve even more. Thank you, God, for allowing us to humbly be a part of what you are doing with the Navajo and the people of this city who desperately need you.


In Christ, 

Brian Snyder 


Lifeline Christian Mission - restoring hope among the nations