Do you remember Kulango Tribe?   They are the unreached people group in eastern Ivory Coast that Tom and Kouame went to evangelize.

Tom visited 4 villages while he was there.  Kouame reports 80 Baptisms total in those 4 villages!!!   Oh, how our God is working!
Kouame reports, “We need to be patient with the Kulango people as they are not easy to be convinced.  Once they accept Christ, nothing can draw them back, that is why they are slow in making decision.”  
Please pray for more opportunities, especially for Tom to be able to go back.  2015 is an election year and can be volatile.  Tom wasn’t planning on going back this year.
We are also providing Bibles for at least the leaders.  The Kulango Bibles are expensive, and not sure everyone reads that language.
God bless you all,
Laura and Tom


“In His name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21