Thank you for praying alongside the LIA team and for carrying this burden with us.


Yet Another Inaugural Moment 

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety – Proverbs 11:14


I pray this day finds you well and encouraged. We are always thankful you join us in prayer.
Last week Monday was the first time the LIA family got to gather together for our all day weekly prayer time in the new LIA Training Center in Nairobi, Kenya.
It was such a wonderful thing to gather in the LIA prayer room and spend time before the Father and with each other. We reflected on how far God has brought us but most importantly on how far he has yet to take us. This is an exciting new chapter for us at LIA. We are in a season where we have arrived at a destination, yet are embarking on a new destiny. We have a home and we know it is from this place that God will allow His name to be praised across the nations and we want to arise and join in that.
This week is yet another inaugural moment. The LIA International board members will be flying into Nairobi for our May annual board meeting. During this time the board will be gathered in our newly set board room and in addition to helping us warm up the rooms and halls in our new center they will also carry out their oversight function over the LIA vision. The board will review reports, discuss board papers, make significant governance decisions and contribute to strategy for various aspects of the ministry.
Please join us in praying that as we gather over the next three days:

  • All who are expected will experience safety in travel and their stay will be good.
  • For spirit guided meetings and clear discernment in decision making
  • For God’s will to be accomplished in our time together, in every detail.
  • Joy, favor and much blessing, now and always.

Thank you for consistently kneeling at the throne of God on our behalf.
In Christ,

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