Praying from center out – Unity State  to Upper Nile to Ethiopia .






Last week we shared the need to pray for over 30,000 that have been displaced due to the recent tribal clash in Unity. Today more than 50,000 internally displaced persons have sought shelter and assistance at the UN Mission in South Sudan camp in Bentiu ( within Unity State). An additional 25,000 reached the neighboring state, Upper Nile to enter another UN camp in Malakal.  


Down the Nile from Malakal, lies the village of Pagok near Gambella, Ethiopia. Pagok is close  to our heart since it is there we presented the Jesus film using GNPI Solar Kit . We continually pray for safe water security in this shallow swampy region. 

Our colleague Peter Rom is from this region. A reception for African Union Commission on inquiry on South Sudan Conflict will take place within 24 hours of you receiving this email in this village Mr Obasanjo, the head of the AU commission, is the former President of Nigeria.  Among all the other issues food insecurity exist for over 300,000 in Upper Nile State. 


The Untied States, State Department  has issued security advisory for the nation of Ethiopia due to an upcoming election to be held this Sunday May 24. 


Prayer points – 


1) Pray for those in conditions of great loss and discomfort within the IDP ( Internally Displaced Persons) camps in South Sudan as well as the 20 million IDP’s in over 50 countries.  


2) Pray for the protection of Pagok, Mr Obasanjo and those that will provide report to the A.U. – May the language be true and may the result lead to healing of South Sudan. 


3) Before you sleep on Saturday night, Pray for Christians in Ethiopia that will soon rise to a new day. Pray that they stand as children of light in this country that has jailed more journalist than any other country. Pray that they exhibit mercy. Pray for coptic Christians to be released from religion and embrace a relationship with Christ like never before.


** Pictured – The Nuer Christian Youth Conference in Pagok. Hundreds of young Christians of the Nuer tribe assemble for several days each year to share in Praise. Mercy Partners along with Faith Christian Community has empowered these youth by teaching 60 preachers, providing written notes of encouragement from Christians in the United States, and funded office supply. They refer to themselves as the “Tribe of Jesus Christ” a “ Church without Walls”.   



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