Thank God:

·      That the process of converting our team’s finance system to new software is going very smoothly. Give thanks that the program Mike wrote for exporting records from the old did what we needed it to do. Give thanks for synergistic interactions between our finance team here and visiting international finance team members Jon and Clint.

·      That work on the newest issue of PBT’s The Latest Word magazine is nearing completion. Give thanks for sustaining Eunice and other team members, particularly Ryan and Laura, through the intense push this past month.

·      That Akukem translator Leo was able to meet with Mike to report on last month’s meeting in the Akukem area regarding proposed changes to their spelling system. Give thanks that the proposed changes were accepted – a significant achievement that will make it easier for Akukem adults and children to become fluent readers of their Scriptures!


Please Pray:

·      That God will lead the church we attend here in Madang to significant involvement in Bible translation. Pray for us and for the church’s outreach team as we meet Tuesday evening (a rescheduling of last week’s planned meeting). Pray for wisdom as we talk about PBT’s current programs and future plans here in PNG, that they will begin to envision specific ways they can become directly involved.

·      For wise and productive use of our time this week.

·      For the many details that still need to be worked out for our upcoming time in Dallas.  

·      For that God will guide us and the Akukem team as we strategize on how to incorporate the spelling changes into their scripture, literacy, and Elementary Prep materials.

·      That audio recording of the book of Matthew in the Mbore language will proceed smoothly and provide the basis for working out whatever changes are needed so that the translation will be clear and readable in all dialects. Pray for stamina for the entire team of Mbore readers and missionaries.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, gifts payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.