If you would like to meet with us in person or have us speak to a group at your church,  – please let us know. 
We would love to plan a time to see you when we are back in the states!

The Najmons

Italy For Christ Mission     Serving in Lecce, Italy

April 2015

Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.
And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.


Luke 24:13-15, 27

We covet your prayers!
Here are some ways you could be praying for us.
Prayer Requests:

  • That our monthly budget would be met
  • Plans/details for our return home
  • Continue progressing in Italian


  • Celebrating Easter in Italy
  • Ability to converse some in Italian
  • Classes have been going well

Buona Pasqua!

Buona Pasqua (Happy Easter)! Ross and I hope that you had a blessed Easter. We enjoyed being able to celebrate Easter this year with the missionaries here, celebrate with the church, and learn more about their traditions for this holiday. We have included some pictures of some traditional treats found in Italy for Easter, as well as a picture of us on Easter Sunday.


One evening we were visiting with family friends of the missionaries here and they asked us if it was true that in the U.S. we learn spelling in school. They had seen this in movies but never knew if it was true. We thought it was an interesting question and came to find out that here in Italy they do not learn how to spell in school. Italian pronunciation of words involves pronouncing every letter in the word. With this in mind, it made a lot more sense that spelling lessons aren’t needed. In Italian, you simply sound out words to know how they are spelled. We really enjoyed learning this fun fact and the chance to be able to practice our Italian with this family!


     April seemed to fly by for us. We have been continuing in our language classes and looking forward to May bringing new students to our class. There are now 7 of us in our class and in May a group of students coming from Australia will be joining our group as well. Through our class we have been able to learn about 5 other cultures and we are looking forward to being able to learn about a 6th culture as well.  

     We really enjoyed Easter here in Italy. We were able to spend the holiday with the missionaries here. Sunday services and celebrations were very similar to what you would experience in the states. One tradition we learned about was Pasquetta or “little Easter.” It is always the Monday after Easter and is celebrated with family or friends. The main tradition is to have a picnic in the country or on the beach. Some say the thought behind the picnic was to remember when Jesus walked with the 2 men on the road to Emmaus and shared a meal with them. The weather was rainy here, so instead we had a picnic inside and spent the day together playing board games, ping pong on the dining room table, and finishing the day with a movie. 

     Also, a minister from the states, along with his daughter, visited the missionaries at the end of April. They were able to spend a little over a week here visiting with the missionaries and church members. They also gave of their time through teaching and preaching. We had a nice time getting to know them and we were delighted to see what an encouragement they were to all around them! 

     April marks our 6th month here in Italy and it is hard to believe we have been here that long already. It is even harder to believe we only have a few months left in our time here. We still have quite a few things to get in place in order to have a smooth transition returning home and we would love your prayers as we continue to work out the  details. We are looking forward to seeing family and friends again, but we know it will be difficult to leave such a beautiful culture and country as well as the new friends we have made.

We are still working on raising our funds to be able to move to Italy full-time. We were blessed with many one-time gifts to help make this year possible. We still have a quite a way to go to be able to move full-time. If you’d like to help in any way, please let us know. Thank you!

Committed: 35%

Remaining: 65%

In regards to donations, please make any checks payable to: 

Batesville Christian Church 


Najmon IFC 

in the memo line.


You can mail any donations to our U.S. address.
P.O. Box 8
Batesville, IN 47006


C O N N E C T with us on F A C E B O O K
C O N T A C T us anytime through E M A I L
Copyright © 2015 Italy For Christ – Najmon, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:

Italy For Christ – Najmon

P.O. Box 8

Batesville, IN 47006