Dear Prayer Partners,
I have two(?) rather urgent prayer matters:
1.  The ABC seminar to be held the first week of March in the Philippines.  Cody Ching and Marie Panti will be leading this.  Al Corson is not able to attend.  I still have no funds to help two men from Myanmar get to the Philippines to attend this seminar.  As I stated in the January newsletter, I think this is a crucial time for this ABC thinking to be introduced in Myanmar and into the churches and thus into the society. There are two men who are willing to come, but need help with transportation.  The total cost round trip is around US$1,800 for both men.  I cannot give an exact amount because the exchange rate is not known and it fluctuates from day to day.  I appreciate any help with this.
2.  I also will not attend the seminar in the Philippines.  Al and I have every confidence in Marie and Cody to lead this.  I will have cataract surgery on March 4.  I talked with the eye dr. this morning.  He recommends replacing the cataract in the Right eye and replacing the lens in the Left eye.  The reason for replacing both lenses has to do with the astigmatism I have in both eyes.  Replacing both lenses will help to keep me balanced when looking at anything!  The cost for this surgery will be HK$35,000! (Dr. Fan  gives a discount to missionaries and people who work with the churches and this is the discounted amount) which is roughly US$4,500.  I feel a little guilty about asking for financial help with this as so many of you have given and supported both Ken and I for so long.  I feel guilty because Ken would never outright ask for help and now here I am doing it!  Mostly I ask for your prayers that this eye surgery will be successful, one of the dangers is blindness, although I am assured that blindness seldom happens.  I am very ready to do this and would have done it tomorrow if possible!  Poor vision is difficult to tolerate!
Thank you for your prayers.  I covet your prayers not only for physical things (me, in this case), but also for spiritual matters (the upcoming seminar with the Myanmar men being able to attend) for those especially associated with Cross Cultural Connection.
3.  Either I can’t count, or the more I think about it, there are many specific prayer requests.  I have to decide which ones have the priority…so here is one more…I am scheduled to give the sermon on March 1 at the Fairview Park Church.  Pray for my clarity and the hearers understanding!
Aren’t we all glad that God already knows our needs and he knows ALL of them.  It seems that a quick study of Psalm 65  gives us an understanding of the blessing of God when he answers prayer!  May we all shout for joy and sing in the answers to these 3 prayer requests,