2015 ICOM Update

Exhibit Spaces, Hotels, & Date Reminders 

Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2015
Notice the different date! This is going to be a quick year since our date has been moved up several weeks.
That’s right, we are 2 or 3 weeks earlier in 2015.  It has been over 40 years since we were in Virginia last time and we are glad to be back!  The City of Richmond, the Virginia Evangelistic Fellowship and lots of local churches have been working for over a year to get us this close to being in Richmond, in less 10 months!!!
This past Monday we opened up our exhibit sales and 348 are already gone, that’s 65%!!! Click here to reserve your space

Our convention housing will be made available online soon. We will send links when it is all available on our website. 

Just to give you an idea, this year there are 8 hotels in Richmond that is part of our housing block. More than any year, the amount of hotel rooms used during ICOM will have a direct bearing upon our convention center rates being cheaper.  You will see that we have rooms for $109.00 to $134.00.  That’s one of the values given to us at ICOM, that we have a low entry cost barrier.  You can help us keep our costs for 2015 down by choosing a room from among our list that will be revealed online soon.


Above is a map where you can see the hotels in relation to the Greater Richmond Convention Center. You can also see the shuttle routes on this map as well. We are excited to be able to offer shuttles this year to the different hotels! We will release more information on shuttles at a later date.  
Jim Tune is our President.  He is a Canadian citizen and church planter in Canada.  The theme is “The Away Team”, you will be hearing more about that as 2015 progresses.
The underlying emphasis is on church planting.  Seven churches will be planted on 6 continents as a result of the hard work of the churches of Virginia and ICOM working together.  
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International Conference on Missions

95 E County Rd 1000 S

Clayton, IN 46118