2014 ICOM Details

President David Butts, Blazing a Trail for Columbus!
                David Butts has already hit the road to promote this fall’s conference.  Many of us know David and this year’s theme is right up his alley.  He is the founder and director of Harvest Prayer Ministries and this year’s theme dovetails right out of what he normally does, teaching and promoting prayer.  One sample of what David does is a weekend gathering about prayer.  He will be in Centerville Christian Church in Centerville, IN, March 14–15.  Try to catch him there, or write David directly if you wish to have him come to your church, you can reach him at: dave@harvestprayer.org.  
ICOM Registration Begins April 1st!!
The Church/College-Wide Registration is available now, as is Exhibitor Registration. Individuals & college students will be able to register no later than April 1st. That is our tentative date to open registration. You will be able to register for the conference, buy event tickets, & register for Pre-Cons.
If Registration opens early—we’ll let you know!!

2 NEW Pre-Con Events to make a part of your ICOM weekend

  • “Standards of Excellence” for Short Term Missions.  This is a 12 hour seminar  that teaches 7 important points of an effective short term mission trip.  Also called, “SOE”, this independent ministry is dedicated to helping short term mission trips the best they can be.   (This is very important for us.  Most of our churches depend upon youth mission trips and adult mission trips to recruit new missionaries.)  This would be an excellent and credible training seminar to ensure the best possible results from sending or going on a short term trip.  Youth Ministers & sponsors, missions committee leaders & members, college staff leaders, or just about anyone doing anything in leading a trip would strongly benefit from attending this seminar.  By attending at ICOM, the cost is only $50.00 per person.  That is a very special rate–the cost is usually $175!!  You will be able to register online when you register for ICOM.  This will start Weds. Nov. 12 and go all day Thursday, the 13th, it will be in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus.
  • “Community Health Network” is bringing a 2 day “CHE” seminar to ICOM. These seminars will take place all day Wednesday & Thursday at ICOM and the cost is $30.00..  Due to the nature of this highly interactive event, there is only room for 32 people to attend.  This will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus, too. The CHE seminar is sponsored by FAME
Seeking Missionary Meal Speakers for Columbus, 2014. 
Each year we hold 2 missionary meals, on Friday & Saturday.  We have four missionary speakers for each meal: a veteran missionary, a national missionary, a missionary kid, and a new recruit.  This is a 7 minute talk about the more personal side of missions; living life on the mission field.  This is not a sales pitch.  In the past three years, each meal has about 325 people attending these luncheons.  To some ICOM attenders, this is one of the highlights of their weekend.  We are just beginning to seek for missionaries to fill our four spots on each day.  If you would like to share during one of these meals in Columbus, please contact David at: david@theicom.org.    This event is sponsored by students and faculty of Boise Bible College.  
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Exciting news for 2015
This is just in!!  ICOM and the leaders of the Virginia Evangelistic Fellowship are happy to announce, “The Eastern Christian Conference has decided to merge with ICOM in 2015 in Richmond, Virginia!”  We are so excited, this will be one unifying event up and down the whole eastern seaboard held in Richmond.  Jim Tune and David Empson will be traveling all over the state of Virginia, April 21-26, to meet and greet lots of church leaders about the event for 2015. Contact our office if you want get the schedule for that week! Email Emily at emily@theicom.org or call at 317-539-4231.
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International Conference on Missions

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