2014 ICOM Details!

Before you make your travel plans to come to ICOM, check this out!

Have you seen the Pre-Conference line up?

  • For Missionaries Only!  Held in the Hyatt, Missionaries will receive a free dinner, 1 nights reimbursement up to $120 and FREE registration for this event.  But we need your RSVP! Will you be attending the dinner? How many kids do you have? Those questions you can fill out online when you RSVP! There is a full childcare during the event for missionary families.  Click Here to register for Pre-Con: For Missionaries Only! This also has the schedule for this Pre-Con!
  • Are you involved with a short term missions trip?  Then you ought to come to this for sure!  Wednesday night at 5 pm in the Hyatt through 4 pm on Thursday Standards of Excellence is leading a 12 hour seminar starting for only $50 added to your ICOM registration. This course normally runs $175!!  This is a great value economically as well as help you know how to have a more successful mission trip experience.  Our studies show that we depend upon short term mission trips as our main recruiting tool for missionaries.  It only makes sense that we effectively know how to lead one.  Click here to learn more!
  • Community Health Evangelism (CHE) seminar.  This workshop is sponsored by FAME. It is an all day seminar on Wednesday & Thursday at the Hyatt.  Again, you will enjoy this training for a low cost of $35 with your ICOM registration.  Don’t miss this great opportunity!  Click here to learn about the CHE Seminar!


Only 55 booth spaces left for Columbus!!!
If you or someone you know has not yet secured their booth for ICOM in Columbus let them know there’s only 55 spaces left!! We are so excited to have many new exhibitors with us, as well as many of the ones we love seeing every year. Click here to register online for your booth space!

Exhibitors!  Are you planning on coming to Richmond?   Do you think about having 8 booth spaces or more?  Then you might want to consider being a “big rock” for 2015.  When we lay out the floor plan for exhibitors, so many of our folks want to be near certain exhibitors.  We work through a process that scatters the bigger exhibitors throughout the hall so that others can get good places as well. At this moment, we have 15 “big rock” exhibitors.  We need to know by September 1st! 

If you are interested, please contact the ICOM office by phone or email and let us know. emily@theicom.org & 317-539-4231.

David Butt’s Travel Schedule
If you want to hear David Butt’s speak before the conference, check out his schedule below to find something in your area!
2—St. Louis Christian College
4—Kentucky Christian University
9—Lincoln Christian University
10-13—Boise Bible College
18—Nebraska Christian College
20-21—White Oak Christian Church
23—Cincinnati Christian University
30—Hope University
7—Emmanuel Christian Seminary
8—Milligan College
9—Johnson University
22-23—Great Lakes Christian College
25-26—Worthington Christian Church
28—Mid-Atlantic Christian University
9—Tri-Village Christian Church
13-16—ICOM in Columbus