Summer is wrapping up…BUT we still need your help!

Check out 2 Great Ways to Help the Ministry throughout the ENTIRE YEAR…

Greetings in Christ Jesus! As summer winds down, I pray you had a great Labor Day.
Summertime is when the bulk of our programming takes place. This year was no different – 9 weeks of mission trips to KY, OH, TN & WV as well as international trips to Haiti and Honduras; 9 weeks of Christian Service Camp; 8 Vacation Bible Schools; plus 13,000 meals packed for our schools in Haiti.
We are, however, more than a “summer” mission. Since 2010, we’ve sent out our own missionaries with on-going operations in specific areas around the world – Belize, Haiti, Honduras and Eastern KY.

I estimate that we “touch” about 1,000 people on a weekly basis through our IMPACT INITIATIVES.

With work multiplying & new ministry projects being launched, increased giving is needed to finance our expanding ministry.
Please READ BELOW & you’ll find 2 ways in which you can help us.
THANKS & God bless,
Greg Herriford (Executive Director)
(1) Join our Twice Annual Campaign  


The Twice Annual Campaign asks those who can help us to send a financial gift of $50 twice each year to help finance the expanding ministry of Mission Journeys/TM. Work is multiplying with new ministry projects being launched and costs are increasing considerably. We request the help during our lowest supporting months (early spring and late summer).

The timing of this particular request is very critical, having just gone through one of our lowest income months of the year. We are running about $2,000 short of where we need to be for this year with Twice Annual.


For those of you who are faithful supporters of this ministry and loyal donors through the Twice Annual Program, we say THANKS for all your prayers, support and encouragement.




 Click Here to Be a Part of Twice Annual!


(2) Become a “Plastic Warrior”


Did you know that you can help Mission Journeys/Teen Mission by simply shopping at Kroger?


KrogeKroger Logo2r has now made it even easier to give to your favorite charity (Mission Journey/TM) by simply going to and registering your card.

This one time sign up only takes a few minutes and then each time you shop and use your rewards card or alternate ID, Mission Journeys/TM automatically receives a donation!

It is THAT easy!


Your card or ID has to be linked to Mission Journeys/TM which you can select when you register your card.


You can link your card to us by using the following code…
“Teen Mission, USA & Mission Journeys” number: 12187

“What if I don’t have a card but use my phone number as my alternate ID?” No problem! Just call 800/576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.
After you register your card or alternate ID…EVERY TIME you shop and use your card or alternate ID Mission Journeys/TM will receive a donation from Kroger!!


So sign up…shop at Kroger and GIVE to Mission Journeys/TM!


Funds Raised through the Kroger Program

since August, 2011: $7,328.44


If you are currently part of the Plastic Warriors, THANKS and keep up the good work. If you are not yet part of the program and would like to be, please contact us right away.

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