November, 2016 Issue 157

December 10, 2016
LAST DAY to Register!

Global Gathering 19 – January 12-15, 2017 – DAMOH, India
God Breaks Down Walls to Build Bridges 
Ephesians 2:20-21
Create more opportunities to share your ministry and mission! Email us at  to reserve your space or find out more.

FROM CONFLICT TO COMMUNION                                         

Gary Holloway casual
                                                                        – Gary Holloway
“Jesus intercedes for us as our mediator before the Father; he asks him that his disciples may be one, ‘so that the world may believe’ (John 17:21). This is what comforts us and inspires us to be one with Jesus, and thus to pray, ‘Grant us the gift of unity, so that the world may believe in the power of your mercy.’ This is the testimony the world expects from us. We Christians will be credible witnesses of mercy to the extent that forgiveness, renewal, and reconciliation are daily experienced in our midst.”

This quotation sounds very much like Alexander Campbell or Barton Stone or another of the early leaders of the Stone-Campbell Movement. The words could also have come from leaders of a latter generation in the Movement like Peter Ainsley, David Lipscomb, or Dean Walker.

Registration and payment guarantees you a reservation for transportation from Jabalpur to Damoh and room (with a private, European-style bath) and meals at Damoh (for an additional $100 per person). If you do not have a paid registration, you do not have a room and meal guarantee.
If you are planning to attend the life-changing Global Gathering in Damoh, India, January 12-15, 2017, you need to register now.
December 10, 2016 is the last day!
* Worship with Christians from all over the world, praising God together in dozens of languages.
* The good news of Jesus proclaimed by speakers focusing on the theme,  
                    “God Tears Down Walls to Build Bridges”
* Programs for children, youth, and Global Women Connecting.
* Reports of what God is doing in our churches.
* Meals with Christians from other nations, sharing your stories of faith.
* Experiences with the people and places of India through tours or mission trips.
* A wider view of God’s kingdom work in our world.
* A foretaste of the day when an uncountable number from every nation, tribe, and language gather around the throne of God in praise. 
We will gather not as tourists, but as brothers and sisters in Christ to have fellowship and to learn with and from fellow Christians from all over the globe. We will gather to witness the work of God in India. We will gather to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus over the entire world. 

It is time to finalize your plans to attend our Gathering in Damoh, India. There you will experience the blessings of worship, learning, fellowship, and service together.
STEP ONE: Register for the Gathering on our website. The deadline to register is December 10, 2016. Make sure you hit the Register Now button after you fill out the form. Then pay your Registration fee. The transportation and accommodation mentioned below will be there for you if you pay your registration.   
STEP TWO: Book your flights. You may want to look at international websites to compare fares:   

or among others. First book a flight to New Delhi. Then book a flight from New Delhi to Jabalpur. If you arrive late to New Delhi, someone will be there to greet you (providing you have registered) and will take you to overnight lodgings for $50. They then will take you back to the airport for your flight to Jabalpur the next day. There is limited space on the two Jabalpur flights each day, so book soon. The Global Gathering program begins on Thursday evening, January 12, 2017. Make sure your flights get you to Jabalpur by Thursday afternoon.

STEP THREE: You will be met at the Jabalpur airport (providing you have registered) and driven 2 and ½ hours to Damoh. There you will receive lodging and meals at the campus of Central India Christian Mission in Damoh, where the Global Gathering will be held. Cost of transport to and from Jabalpur, lodging, and meals for three nights will total $100 (US) per person, payable on arrival in Damoh.
STEP FOUR: Apply for your Indian visa (you should already have a Passport). First look on the chart here  

to see if you can apply for a tourist e-TouristVisa (eTV). 


This is the easiest way to get a visa. Or you can go through your local Indian Consulate. You will need to book your flight before applying online.

STEP FIVE: Look at the program and anticipate the blessing God will provide as we meet with brothers and sisters throughout the world.
STEP SIX: Pray for traveling mercies, leaders and speakers on the program, the church in India, the church in your own country, the church throughout the world, and the world God loved enough to send his Son to bless.
IF YOU CANNOT COME TO INDIA, START AT STEP SIX. Do continue to pray for the ministry of World Convention.




A special program has been planned especially for women attending the 19th Global Gathering. Be sure to include Global Women Connecting events in your experience!

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