Established in 1930 to promote global fellowship among churches with their origins in the Stone-Campbell movement, World Convention cooperates with Christians everywhere toward the unity of the church.

June 2016, Issue 152

Christian Extremism

The recent shooting in Orlando resulting in forty-nine deaths and many injuries is one of many recent violent acts by religious extremists. Sometimes Christians are tempted to respond in kind, repaying evil for evil, in direct opposition to what our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us.
These unspeakably evil acts call us to a different kind of religious extremism. World Convention President Ajai Lall and Josh Howard eloquently speak of this in their recent book, Christian Extremism: A Life Worth Dying For. They remind us that as followers of Jesus, we are never called to violence but to extreme forgiveness, extreme love, extreme evangelism, and even to extreme martyrdom.
You can witness this extreme Christianity for yourself at our Global Gathering in New Delhi, January 12-15, 2017. There you will hear the testimonies of those who have shown extreme forgiveness and love even to those who persecute them. Our theme for the Gathering is “God Tears Down Walls to Build Bridges” (a theme chosen by Indian Christians long before building walls became a political topic in the United States). 
Gary Holloway casual
Our only hope in a world of violence is the peace and justice brought by the Onwho calls us to love our enemies.


Global Gathering 19 – January 12-15,2017 – New Delhi, India
God Breaks Down Walls to Build Bridges
Ephesians 2:20-21




11:11 NEWS …a time to connect in prayer, through God, around the world. 
                                                                                                                                            Read the full 11:11 story
 There is great need around the world. We encourage your prayers and gifts of comfort and relief. Our list of Great Compassion organizations include –   

  • Christian Relief Fund
  • Churches of Christ in Queensland
  • COCOA-Churches of Christ Overseas Aid
  • Disaster Relief
  • Healing Hands International
  • International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc.
  • Week of Compassion

    Relentless heat explodes in thunder and lightning. Wind thrashes through trees pulling down leaves and branches too weak to hold on any longer. Clouds heavy with unwept grief reach their limit in torrents of landscape-altering rivers.

    Quiet settles in the flooded walkways and God moves into the pain. Where none of us can speak, God’s voice swells the silence. Tired, overwhelmed yet courageous brothers, sisters, and friends raise the battle cry. “LOVE!”
    “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31.
    May God’s grace create compassion and empathy when we cannot speak. May we allow ourselves to be moved by the heat and the wind and the weakness and the tears to imagine and act on the infinite possibility of love.

    “There is no deeper joy and greater privilege than to be alone with the God who made us, who loves us, and who calls himself our Father. There is no greater friendship than the one we have with our brother, Jesus, who for our sake became one of us. There is no more intimate relationship than the one we enjoy with the Holy Spirit, God himself living in us.”
    Daily Disciple 

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