We are asking all to join us in prayer this coming Tuesday for the following things:

-Our 1st year students are getting ready to enter their 2nd year and we are still waiting approval.  For current students patience and peace.

-The accreditation paperwork has been sitting for 3 months and we were just informed they still have not even opened it, due to vacations, etc.  Pray they will open it now.

– Pray that, just as last time, we would see God work through them and pass shortly to allow more students to study further in their courses.

– Pray that the accreditation board’s evaluations and all final notices would be completely cleared.  

     We thank you so much for joining us in prayer!  One year ago today thousands joined with us doing this and that very day our 1st year program was accredited.  We are praying again for the same.  Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance.  

     We don’t know how or when God will answer, but we do keep praying and ask you to join us.  

WISE Contact Info:
PO Box 8098
Columbia, MO 65205
(573) 321-7906
