W.I.S.E. Friends Reception

     Over the years so many special friends have visited, gave, prayed for, and supported WISE.  This summer at the North American Christian Convention in Kansas City, MO we hope to see you and thank you in person.  We will be at Booth #1114 in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday evening after the main session on June 27th.  We’ll fellowship and join in some Caribbean snacks.  Please join us if you are near the area.
     Another way we want to say “we are so grateful for you” is by sharing some of our local food recipes.  Enclosed in each newsletter you will find 3 recipes of our favorites here at WISE.  If you do not get them, please write us and we will get them to you.  And please know we are so very thankful for all the ways you encourage, love, and help WISE to continue.  



     If you can’t come in person, we want to introduce you to Brother Yaneque Davis, from the countryside of Jamaica.  His home church there has 4 past WISE graduates ministering and they wanted to send Bro Davis to WISE also.  The process for him to come was hard – he had to resign from his security job, left home for the first time, and is learning to cope with time away from loved ones.  He became a Christian a few years ago at summer camp and wanted to grow more in Christ.  He hopes to find a job to provide for his family when he arrives back in Jamaica as well as work with the church in evangelism opportunities.  
     Being at WISE has taught Bro Davis to appreciate the good and bad things that come his way.  He has also grown in the goodness of God’s love and learned to be persistent in his work.  He says he has also had to adjust to a different worship style than his home church has.  He loves learning how to be more of a servant to people at WISE and learning how he will reach even more people for Christ when he returns home.

Meet NEW WISE Teammates

     We are excited to announce Matt and Chelsea Termeer will soon join the WISE team here in August.  They are excited to begin serving with WISE.  Matt and Chelsea have been married for nearly five years, and have two children: Abigail (22 months) and Samuel (due in May). Matt grew up at Discover Christian Church in Dublin, OH. He received his bachelors degree from Johnson Bible College, and his masters degree from Lincoln Christian University. His most recent employment was as a high school history and Bible teacher for Cookson Hills Christian Ministries, located in Oklahoma. Chelsea grew up at Eastview Christian Church in Normal, IL. She received her bachelors degree from the University of Illinois, and her masters degree from Lincoln Christian University. She was employed as a counselor at Cookson Hills. Matt and Chelsea are eager to participate in the mission of WISE, and are looking forward to filling several ministry needs.  Welcome to the family, Termeer family!  


     The 40 year old stove here at WISE finally had to be replaced.  It was a great commercial oven.  We recently had to replace the old giant.  This was a huge cost – $6,200!  If you would like to help towards the new stove, this is our biggest wishlist item as students greatly love their cooked rice on the stove!


Teachers & Classes this Summer

     As students continue their regular classes, we are thrilled to have Bro Jeff Robertson back to help teach.  He will teach an extra class to the community on “Intro to the Gospels”.  Then, we will also be blessed to have Bro Dave and Sis Kathy Bycroft from Tyro, KS to come and share with us.  Bro Dave will also be teaching a leadership class to the community as he has led so many over the years in church ministry.  

Groups & Seminars

     We had 4 groups all at once come over Spring Break.  It was a 1st to have so many here!  But the groups were amazing and accomplished so much. From replacing old office flooring, to cleaning out old storage and making more bookshelves, replacing a ceiling, and readying a staff home so much was improved on the campus.  Discover Christian Church from Columbus in OH, Lifetrack Christian Church from Pittsburg in KS, Beulah Community Church from Girard, KS and Forum Christian Church in Columbia, MO all helped make it happen.  Then, we had Andrew Kirschner, from Prairie Grove Christian Church come and lead 2 different Apologetics Seminars.  Over 75 different community members came out to learn how to defend their faith!  The next week Forum Christian Church brought their youth and they helped us put on a special youth night for the youth in the area churches here.  


Prayers & Updates

  1. Associate’s Program – Last week we asked you all to join us as we fasted and prayed for the accreditation of our 2nd year Associate’s degree here.  While we did not get the approval that day as we had hoped, we were granted a meeting.  They have opened the paperwork and are reviewing it, so we are praying it is approved in the next few months. 
  2. New Staff – For the Termeer family as they raise support, add a sweet new baby to their family, and prepare to move here. 
  3. One of the properties sold in St. Vincent!  The main campus also has a potential buyer who is looking to continue to use it is a nursing home ministry.  So pray this sale can go through as well so we can purchase the land here.
  4. For past founders Sis Jackie Muter and Sis Jane Robertson as they have both undergone surgery and health concerns.  Also prayers of healing for our forwarding agent, Sis Sarah Shoaf as she is recuperating from major back surgery.
  5. We shared in St. Lucia to prospective students and WISE will share in Guyana later this May.  Prayers for students to come from these retreats.
  6. Prayers for students to prepare now.  All applicants have to be completed by June 11th to get their visas to enroll for the fall semester.
  7. Prayers for WISE to continually be guided by God’s guidance and grown through His ways.
WISE Contact Info:
PO Box 8098
Columbia, MO 65205
