We are under big attack again. God is with us but we need prayer and wisdom on how to act. I write you that the communist party has won in our town. They press Georgy on his work because he doesn’t want to help them to steal State money. Now they attack a family from our church, and have them lose their job. It’s horrible, like the old communist times.
Now the communist party has prepared a new law for religions. Is very bad law for us, the Christians because if they pass this law then we cannot do many things.  They will not allow us to share the Gospel in public places; everything will be under their control. Now we are making meetings with Christian lawyers and politicians to see what we can do to stop this law from passing.

Also we have very ugly story with disabled children and their moms. They had a meeting in front of Parliament, as they don’t have money to live. One of the politicians came and said some evil words to them. This was so sad to see. In our church we pray for them and try to think what to do to make little smile for them and encourage them that there is love for them too. We decide to make little party for the parents with disabled children. We are so happy that Social Services allows us to do this for them, because we are afraid that when they hear that a church wants to do something then they might say no thinking we are a cult. But no, they are so open for our idea. We are going to feed them, sing Christian songs, and share the Message with them. 
Please pray for all these things that I have mentioned


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