Dear Team,

It doesn’t seem possible that January is over and we are beginning February.  I, Laura, just came off a retreat that I held for 6 ministers’ wives…and it was truly a blessing.  God met each one and their needs.  Praise God!  I have been resting up from that and tomorrow begins a new week and month.
We continue to work on Tom’s trip to Asia, which we will write more about later, and then he will be going to the Philippines in April.  
Tom has begun calling churches, every spare moment he can. (Seeking more ministry partners for Twelve21 and opportunities to lead Mission Emphasis events)  This can be a frustrating process.  So, we appreciate your prayers for that.
I will be having retreats in April and May.
Right now…we need to write a newsletter.
So..just in case you wondered what we were doing in our neck of the woods..that’s it.
We treasure your prayers and let us know how we can pray for you.
God bless you as you seek Him!



“In His name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21