Travelin’ Miles: Face to the Ground
August 2016


Prayer prompts

Praise God for the safe arrival in PNG of Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn, and our dear Aruamu co-workers, Pais Asefi and Robin Namai.
Praise God for the completion of the final consultant check of 6 Aruamu OT books in August.

Praise God for the completion of the Aruamu Lectionary Year A book.  Pray that God will USE it all during 2017 to draw many people to himself.
Pray for the following work now happening:
Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn working with many Aruamus in Tiap village, PNG, to do a dramatic recording of Genesis and Jonah.
The Aruamu Comprehension Checking Team is working on checking Isaiah 33-66 for clarity and naturalness.
Steven Dazim is spell checking Deuteronomy
Sue Ellen Wrenn is typing Numbers
Marsha Miles is beginning exegetical research on Job, in preparation for the exegetical check in 2017.
Pray for the Aruamu Bible College, which is being lead by Aruamu Christians.
Pray for Nathan Miles and the Paratext Bible translation software development team, as they work toward the release of the Beta version of Paratext 8.0.  


Face to the Ground
Dear Family and Friends,
Our Pioneer Bible Translators colleague Wes Beasley has been working during August in the town of Madang, Papua New Guinea with a team of 4 Aruamu men to do the final consultant check on some Aruamu Old Testament books which our entire team has been working on.  Wes wrote this about one touching interaction with the Aruamu folks when they were checking the book of 1 Samuel:
“One day we were talking about Samuel’s parents and how they responded to their recognition that they had been speaking with the angel of God. I said, ‘Why don’t we fall down with our face to the ground when we have been with God?’
“And Martin said, ‘But we do!  God has touched our hearts, and when we feel His presence in a special way, many of us will lie down with our face to the ground. Since God has become more real to us, this happens often now.’ Praise the Lord for their sincere and humble response.” 
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support for the many ministry efforts that are on-going amongst  the Aruamu people. The 2 Aruamu translators, Pais Asefi and Robin Namai who have been here in the US for the last 6 months to focus on exegetical checking with me have arrived safely back in their villages.  (Photo to the right: Pais, Robin, and Marsha at their good-bye party this last
Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn accompanied the 2 Aruamu men back to PNG.  They are staying on in PNG for the next 2 months to record the Aruamu books of Genesis and Jonah.  They are currently out in Tiap village, and this exciting task has begun.  They just completed Genesis chapter 1 yesterday!
I have emailed to my colleagues in Madang  the final version of the Aruamu Lectionary Year A (which Nathan Miles typeset for our team.)  It will be printed in Madang, and the copies put in podium-friendly, loose-leaf notebooks, and carefully wrapped for the journey and then transported out to Aruamu villages.  In the meantime, the Aruamu Literacy Committee has held reading fluency classes for church leaders in 14 different village areas.
Wes Beasley, working with Martin Ases, Simon Aroro, Michael Sagumai, and Lawrence Beradim in Madang, has completed the final consultant check of 6 books: Judges, 1 Samuel, Nahum, Habakkuk, Micah, and Zephaniah. Praise God!
Praise God for the tenderhearted, face-to-the-ground worship response of the Aruamu Christians. May we all have tenderhearted, face-to-the-ground worship moments often!
Blessings to you,
Marsha Relyea Miles
(for Nathan, as well)
You are invited to partner financially in Bible Translation ministry. You can give online at the link below to my ministry, and also the Aruamu Translation Fund, the Aruamu Literacy Fund, the Aruamu Scripture Printing Fund.
(Of course, the normal “check” method listed below works great, as well.) 

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