We’re On Our Way Home!!
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You can make a difference – for the people of Vanuatu, our family, and eternity. God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
Dear Reggie,
September was a month full of VISTA classes, wrapping up loose ends, saying goodbye, cleaning, sorting, and packing. We worked right up until our transport arrived to take us to the airport. We tried to do the physically urgent tasks and also make time for the emotionally important tasks. We wanted to leave well.

Once we arrived safely in Brisbane, I feel like we all just exhaled. We had done the hard work of leaving and now we could take a few days to relax as a family. We took the city bus into South Bank to look around, ate lunchmeat for the first time in two years, and rested. Now we are in Indonesia attending meetings. There is more information about our trip back in the prayer requests below.

The weekend that we left Vanuatu, the island of Ambae was evacuated because of elavated volcanic activity. About 7000 of the 11,000 residents of Ambae are now living in evacuation centers in and around Luganville. Four of the 15 translators that are in town now for training are from Ambae. Pray with us that the government can make the right decision about when to send the residents of Ambae home. Pray that there will be adequate food and water supplies in the evacuation centers. Pray that when the people of Ambae return to their homes that the aid that has been coming their way won’t stop. They won’t be able to eat the food that is in their gardens because of the ash and possible acid rain.

During the VISTA module this month, the projects that need a New Testment started to draft the book of Matthew. When the translators get home they will be reading their drafts to the people in their villages as a way to check for accuracy. This means that some people will get to hear the Christmas story in their heart language for the first time this year. Praise God for what He is doing here!

Below are a few small glimpses into our life in September…

Angie & Matt (and the kids)


~ Matt and Presley, our village brother, saying goodbye. Our family on Malo couldn’t host us before we left because they didn’t have enough water in the village. Presley and his wife took two “boxes of love” (as I called them) back to our village family as our way of saying goodbye.

~ Lauren and her friend Abbie saying goodbye at the airport. They are keeping in touch through Facebook Messenger and FaceTime.

~ Team Vanuatu’s final meal together for a while. Life overseas is better with friends!

~ Angie and Katy having some fun Vanna White moments during a lull in their garage sale.

We have been given 8 “Welcome Home” gifts! 
There is still time to help our family transition well back to the States by giving a special gift. Our family will incur at least $13,000 in expenses (5 plane tickets, one vehicle, and partially refurnishing our house in Texas). To give toward these one-time expenses, please go to our giving page.
Thank you for welcoming us home!
Prayer Points

~ The garage sale went great! We had nice weather on Friday and sold a ton of stuff. Saturday was rainy so we didn’t sell much but my last 3 customers were some sweet ladies who had a lot of fun storying about what all of my American items were – including the intricacies of contact lenses! lol We’re using the money from the sale to make our trip home a little more fun.

~When we left Vanuatu, we spent 6 days in Australia with our Aussie family and now we are currently in Indonesia for meetings. We will leave here at 1 a.m. Monday morning and arrive in Dallas Tuesday morning around 10 a.m. Our kids have done amazingly well so far! We still have about 40 hours of travel time (including two long layovers) so please pray we can continue to enjoy the journey together.

~ Team Vanuatu is going through a lot of transitions right now. Please pray for Matt to be an effective Team Leader and finance coordinator from Texas. Please ask the Father to give us all an abiding love for one another even when we are on different continents.

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