A Look at Our First Few Weeks Home
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F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
Dear Reggie,
The questions on everyone’s minds seems to be…

#1. How was your trip home? (Tiring, but good)

#2. Is the house coming together? (Yes, it’s pretty functional, just not actually pretty yet)

And the big one(s)…

#3. How are you guys? How are the kids? How is it being back? Do you miss Vanuatu?

That one takes a little longer to explain. Overall our family is doing well – better than we expected. The kids have done well in school in their whole two weeks there. 🙂 They are sometimes being tested on information they weren’t in class for, but the teachers seem to be working with them on that. Moving back into our house didn’t immediately feel like home, but it does now. We miss Vanuatu – mostly the people and the slower pace of life – but we are also enjoying time with friends and family here in the States. It’s been great to attend Sunday School and church in our own language, to not have to convert everything into vatu and kilos, and to be cold for a change! We are learning to be content where God has planted us during this season.

Matt is in Missouri and Illinois sharing with friends and supporters about our time in Vanuatu. Then later this week he will head to the International Conference on Missions in Peoria to talk with people about how they might serve in Vanuatu. He’ll meet us back in Missouri for Thanksgiving.

Angie is holding down the fort at home with the kids and driving to school 3 times every day (gotta love basketball!). Aside from still unpacking boxes and boiling water to wash dishes (see prayer requests below), she’s also having meetings and writing e-mails about what role she might take on now that we are stateside for a while. Please pray for discernment as she seeks God’s leading.

We love you all. Your generosity, prayers, and encouragement make you co-laborers with us and we are so thankful for that!

Below are a few glimpses into our life in October…

Angie & Matt (and the kids)

Clockwise from top:

~ Our family on Mount Gravatt in Brisbane. Our friends took us to a lovely cafe called The Love Well Project that comes alongside women wanting to change their lives from addiction and/or the sex industry. A beautiful place with a beautiful story based on Philippians 1. 

~ Matt spoke in chapel our first Friday here (because he’s crazy like that)! He shared about the faithfulness of Grace, one of our translator’s mother in Vanuatu.

~ Boxes everywhere and no furniture but there’s always time for a game!

~ It’s been great to reconnect with our friends and teammates at PBT’s headquarters. Many things are the same as when we left but a few fun things have appeared like this world map with our names in Vanuatu!

~ We took the bus into South Bank in Brisbane. We saw some beautiful buildings, an old church, and went on a tour up into the bell tower of city hall. Lauren and Matt also met some kangaroos. 😉

We received 9 “Welcome Home” gifts!
We have the best support team! You all pray for us diligently, let us know through e-mail and Facebook that you are thinking of us, and give generously and consistently. Thank you for welcoming us home!
~ Matt, Angie, Ethan, Aidan, and Lauren
Prayer Points

~ Praise God for a good trip home. No missed flights or lost luggage! Our favorite part of Indonesia was the air-conditioned hotel room with cable t.v. and of course the teammates we got to spend time with in meetings and in the evenings!

~ Our home (which we own and rented out while we were gone) has settled/shifted quite a bit over the last 2 years, so we’ll be scheduling a foundation inspection soon. We also have a leak in our hot water pipes so we had to turn the hot water off until we can get that fixed. Pray that these issues will not be a financial or mental burden on us and that God will give us wisdom and peace.

~ The volcano on Ambae that forced the evacuation of all 11,000 islanders is still at a level 3 (it was a level 4 when they evacuated). Now that the people have moved back to Ambae, they are trying to learn to live with acid rain, contaminated water, and ash. We are praying that in all of this God will in some way be glorified.

~ Every Team Vanuatu family is experiencing some kind of transition right now. Please pray for Matt to be an effective Team Leader and Finance Coordinator from Texas. Ask the Father to give the team an abiding love for one another even when we are on different continents.

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