Cyclone Hola and Other Updates…
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The island of Pentecost between Waterfall and Ranwadi, July 2017.


God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
Dear Reggie,

February was a busy month with ministry, family visiting, Matt’s birthday, and Angie especially being sick for several weeks. We are praising God that we are all healthy now!

Matt… I spent much of February working on getting financial reports to our team members in Vanuatu. I am continually trying to learn to use the finance software. I am also trying to do a good job of delivering reports that make sense and are easy to read. It has been a blessing to be here in Dallas. When I have a pile of questions about how to do this or that, I can just head over to the finance office and ask someone.

I have been doing research and data collection related to writing the grant proposals for translation funding. When the current group of 15 mother tongue translators graduate from VISTA in October, their projects’ funding will come from a new set of grants. Even when you are applying for a continuation of funding, there is still a lot of work that goes into writing a good proposal. (At least that’s what I learned from watching Angie work on them for years.) I also was able to help another teammate write a grant proposal that, if funded, could provide for Sunday School teacher training in Vanuatu

I (Angie) try to divide my time evenly between the Global Partnerships and Development departments. In Global Partnerships I have just finished filling out Personnel Profiles for everyone in PBT Ukraine. Next up is working on the Professional Development Plans for several people for our Field Ministries Officer. I know it sounds like a lot of paperwork – and it is! – but as I read through these people’s files I am continually struck by how God has used the past years, and in many cases decades, to prepare each of them for the role that they are now doing or preparing to begin.

In Development we are getting ready to send out 63 Verse By Verse certificates next week letting people know which verse and people group their gift is going toward. I say “we” because it takes a team of volunteers to address the envelopes, put the photo and certificate into the cards, etc. I also sent out about 15 on my own last week and missed my volunteers! 😉 Several donors have already told us that they LOVE how personalized each card is and I am loving getting to be a part of it!

One project that Matt and I are working on together is an article for the next issue of PBT’s The Latest Word magazine which will come out later this year. We’ve been asked to write about how animistic beliefs in places such as Vanuatu impact people’s everyday lives. We look forward to sharing how long-held animistic beliefs hide in plain sight in Melanesian cultures.

Thanks for everything you do to make Jesus famous!

Angie & Matt (and the kids)

Pictured above: (Left) A kitchen on Pentecost that could not withstand Cyclone Hola. (Right) The same road where I took the photo at the top of this newsletter, just further down, during the cyclone this month. 

A Few Updates From the Island
with some Prayer Requests included

From our teammate Dan (on March 7)…“We’re wrapping up a day or so of hurricane winds and rain, level 2, not dangerous but definitely left us with more water than we wanted. Our recent trip to Pentecost was really good – we were able to accomplish all our goals and more.  The translation check went well… Pastor Vusi and I visited with Apma and Sa groups from four churches in eight communities, including a class of students at the Anglican school in Bwatnapni and the faculty at Ranwadi.  At each place we encouraged them to invite the translators to come and share their work with them… I was able to download the new Bible apps on at least one phone in every place we spoke and hand out printed copies of the story of Adam and Eve.”
On March 25, our teammates Ryan and Jordan Kopke and their firstborn, Patrick (born on Jan 5), will be traveling back to Vanuatu. Pray for them to have a great trip.
The team is planning for the next module of the VISTA program (Vanuatu Institute for Scripture Translation and Application.) The module will start on April 10. Our translation teams haven’t been together for a training module since mid-October. Travel plans for the missionaries, the birth of a baby, and the date of Easter this year caused us to push back the start date for this module. Pray for travel safety, for recall of computer skills that haven’t been practiced in months, and for other preparations. 

There are 15 Mother Tongue Translators working on what are now 5 translations projects on the islands of Pentecost and Ambae. Our two pressing requests for these teams and their work are: 1) When translated portions are ready for consultant checks that God will provide the consultant and the funds for the check. 2) That God will extend the lives of the MTTs and that they will be healthy so that each of them can see the result of the work that they are doing in translation.

Remember the couple in our last newsletter that we were recruiting to serve in Vanuatu when they graduate? They are asking for our prayers: “This semester we have started making appointments with field directors to see where we could best serve. We are still making appointments but we have really enjoyed speaking with this couple who serves the people of Vanuatu. We have learned about the work that has been going on there and how many people are desperately waiting for the Bible in their language.  We are seriously considering a particular place to serve the Bibleless. Please pray for us to make this decision faithfully.”  Please join us in praying that God would direct their steps.

Thank you for joining us in prayer and rejoicing for all God is doing!

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