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World Missions Headlines for June 22, 2016 
Good morning! Our new email includes a summary of the world mission news for the week ending Tuesday June 21, 2016 on the missions network. Do not miss the “God stories” shared from the corners of the globe. Please share them with people you know to be interested in world missionsWe have included a  

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Daily Headlines / Links….

June 21, 2016
June 20, 2016
June 17, 2016

Are we truly committed to prayer? 

How much do we pray? Are we satisfied with our individual prayer life? How much do we focus upon corporate prayer when we gather as the Church of Christ, the gathered body of Jesus in this world? Do we truly believe in the power of prayer?
Throughout scripture, prayer is a central element of the relationship between God and His people. James’ letter to the church is filled with practical advice and prayer again is central in living this life in relationship to God and each other (James 5:13ff). Is anyone in trouble, suffering hardship? They should PRAY. If anyone is happy he encouraged them to sing praise…a prayer of thanksgiving giving God glory. If anyone was sick, call other to PRAY for them. If there is sin in a life, we should confess it and PRAY together! He then invoked the example of Elijah who PRAYED for no rain & then for rain! Get the pattern??? 

If we, the church – the body of Christ – truly want to accomplish God’s will, them we should PRAY. Pray first, before we begin to think about plans. Don;t wait until our plans are not working to cry to the Father to bail out our failure. If we want the world to change, we should pray that God would change us! If we want a good government, we should PRAY (1 Timothy 2:2). That means we pray for the authorities we disagree with as much as those for whom we voted. 

We hear much today about Christianity being a “relationship” with Jesus rather than a “religion.” A relationship with God is impossible without prayer. If we really want a different life, home, job, children, parents, friends, neighborhood, city, or nation we will devote ourselves to PRAY. You think about that!


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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