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World Missions Headlines for August 3, 2016

Good morning from the office in Knoxville, TN. Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news for the week ending Tuesday August 2, 2016 on the missions network. Please take an opportunity to share the “God stories” from the corners of the globe with friends. We have included a convenient forwarding link below to make sharing simple.

Daily Headlines / Links….

August 2, 2016
August 1, 2016
July 29, 2016
Friday July 29 was another day filled with duties at the 2016 Lake James School Of Missions

July 28, 2016


Grateful for your prayers! 

In this space, I normally attempt to present a thought provoking article. This week, I would simply like to express the gratitude of everyone at Mission Services for your prayers.

Each of us has been “on the road” extensively over the past month. I have traveled over 5500 miles in July, and others have been on the road as well. Our travels have taken us from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and from St. Louis Missouri to the shores of Jamaica. Some of it has been vacation for our staff, but much of this has been ministry related. We have reported to supporting congregations about the way God continues to use and build the missions network. We have shared the news about Mission Services being the “Highlighted Mission” for the 2016 International Conference On Missions in Lexington, Kentucky and talked with members of our Board about future plans. The recent travels closed with my time at the Lake James School Of Missions where I spoke each morning about “How we can help our missionaries more, and how they can help our churches.” I also served as the videographer of all the sessions. In the coming weeks, everyone can share in the main sessions, missionary interviews, and more. You will want to watch.

We covet your continued prayers. This has been God’s ministry since Harrold & Adele McFarland first began in 1946. God has guided the vision and the work for 70 years, and the future will be as exciting as anytime we have known. May God bless your life as you have blessed ours!  


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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