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1/3 of the world is still in darkness – the greatest social injustice of our time.

Recently, one of our field teams shared with me that Sam (name changed), a new believer, had just baptized eight of his friends on the same day. What’s more amazing – these baptisms came on the heels of extreme persecution. Sam’s family had learned of his faith, thrown away all his possessions, and disowned him. His roommates had kicked him out of his house, and his supervisor had fired him — all because of his faith and vision.

Then, with only $23 to his name, Sam shared his faith more. In fact, he formed 4 discovery Bible studies involving 25 friends. Shortly thereafter, the police arrested him and jailed him overnight for his bold actions.

Sam was trapped in that darkness, but now he’s proclaiming the Gospel.  To read more about Sam and how you can help go to

We need your prayers and partnership to raise up more workers like Sam.
Will you help us send more like Sam? 
Your gift today will rescue others from darkness tomorrow.
Give Today
Team Expansion is dedicated to bringing the Light to those living in darkness. Approximately 300 full-time workers in over 40 countries multiply disciples and churches among the unreached, wherever they are. These tenacious risk-takers live in some of the hardest places on earth in lands few would dare to visit.
As these workers pour into new disciples like Sam, they create tomorrow’s leaders, transform communities, and multiply help and hope for troubled lands.
This new wave of world-transforming disciple-makers will need to be trained, equipped, and coached for service. Your financial partnership with Team Expansion will ensure that we can expand our efforts to recruit, train, equip, and provide ongoing support for workers in the fields.  
Please give online at Please type the word, “Like Sam,” in the Project Blank so that 100% of your gift can be used to train and send new world-changers like Sam.
Copyright © 2017 Team Expansion, All rights reserved. 
Thank you for your partnership to spread the Gospel to dark places in the world. It’s a joy to serve Him in this ministry with you. 

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