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Inquirer FAQ Series

You Asked. We Answered.

For many Christians considering cross-cultural ministry, there’s a season between their conviction to go and the point of actual commitment. Usually, this season is full of questions. As someone processes through what it would look like to go, he or she needs more information.

We’re here to help.

This series was designed to answer the most frequent questions we receive from those considering missions. Topics range from support raising to education, with many treasures in between.

We want to emphasize that everyone’s journey is unique. Each family, field, and situation is different, and we don’t pretend there’s a universal answer to any given question.

But we’ve been sending workers into the unreached parts of the world for a long time, so we have some general experience that should help in guiding those who are asking these big questions.

Find answers to the most common questions we hear!
See you at ICOM?
If you’re coming to the International Conference on Missions in Peoria, IL on November16-19, we’d love to see you. Stop by the Team Expansion booth to say hello, hear stories, pray with us, and get involved!

Featured Opportunity

Teammates in Italy 
Did you know that even the Pope now considers Italy a mission field? Too much ritual and not enough relationship has left the Italian people bitter, cynical, and wary of corruption and religious power.

But there’s a team near Rome actively engaging Italians in authentic discussions, Bible studies, and a genuine relationship with the Savior.

They need help. Is God calling YOU to be their teammate?

For information about this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Pray With Us

Pray for those whom God is calling to leave their homes and move into the unreached parts of the world to share His Good News! Ask Him to guide them as they leap in faith.

Praise God for the men and women who are choosing to go, when it’s so much easier to stay. God is being known and worshiped, the global Church is growing, and transformed lives are reflecting our King.

Ask God to use this year’s ICOM to strengthen and encourage missionaries, recruit new workers for the harvest fields, and mobilize churches for accomplishing the task of sharing the Gospel around the world.


Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion


What’s Your Reason for Living?

As I compose this article, I’m on a late-night flight cross-country. There are people all around me (it’s a crowded flight). Some are headed home, while others are just beginning their trip. They all live for various reasons, some for pleasure, others for power, and, I suppose, many aren’t sure WHY they’re here. Have you ever stopped to think about why YOU exist?

Many of our missionaries have to face this question when they are first asked to consider serving cross-culturally for Christ. They have to analyze their attachment to worldly possessions and their investment in “the American Dream.”

At the end of the day, some end up signing up and coming to Emerald Hills for training. They learn about God’s heart for the nations (in a course called Kairos) and they come face to face with the character of God in the Launch program (which prepares them for getting to the field and staying there). They also learn about support-raising (because, after all, these planes refuse to fly for free), reporting, and a host of other topics.

Finally, they do a very intensive course on how to become a disciple worth multiplying. They study the principles and strategies for launching and growing new groups so wherever they go in the world, they can spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In short, they figure out why they’re here. They know where they came from and where they’re going. They leave behind the pleasures, the quest power, and the American Dream. In its place, they choose a humble life of service for Christ. And Emerald Hills is the place where it all begins.

We’re very grateful for your partnership in prayer and shared vision. And thanks for your commitment to helping people figure out why they’re here.

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: September 2017

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