A monthly update from Team Expansion

My Marriage to a Romanian

“When I thought of marriage, I thought of an uphill battle that only a few conquer, the hill growing all the more daunting in an intercultural marriage.”

Read how one Team Expansion worker is navigating an intercultural marriage and ministry with God’s wisdom and grace.

Read Her Testimony

Two of our great passions are “God” and “People.” This month, we wrote a 3-part series of blogs that uses relationships from the Bible to examine God’s heart for different people: the lonely, the outcast, and the guilty.

Jesus and the Samaritin: God’s Heart for the Lonely

She was the last person anyone would have expected to inherit the Kingdom of God, and yet she was exactly the person He chose to give it to.

Read the story

Abraham and Hagar: God’s Heart for the Outcast

She was “the other woman” in Abraham’s story of God’s faithfulness.

The mistress. The villain.

Read the story

Hosea and Gomer: God’s Heart for the Guilty

Hosea chose Gomer, and their story became the metaphor God used to describe His tempestuous relationship with His people.

Read the story

Featured Opportunity
Teammates Needed!
Many Team Expansion fields have a sincere need for additional teammates. From retirees to football coaches, there’s a need for every gift.

Have has God gifted YOU to expand His Kingdom?

If you are interested in this or any other opportunity, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Pray for the marriages of cross-cultural workers. Ask God to give strength, grace, and unity as couples serve in difficult settings.

Ask God to equip and empower single missionaries who are serving faithfully without the help of a spouse. Pray that God would use them powerfully for His Kingdom’s work.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.


By Doug Lucas

Here at Emerald Hills, it’s not uncommon to see gatherings of people praying, brainstorming, and dreaming. Sometimes it’s in regard to a particular country — and sometimes it’s about a game-changing strategy that could unlock the cold hearts of millions, ushering mothers, fathers, and their children out of a Christless eternity and into the Father’s throne room forever.

“Zumé” might be one of those strategies. The Zumé working group recently met at Emerald Hills. Their meetings stretched over several days (making me wish we had already built a housing wing, by the way). They were dreaming of finishing a brand new online course — “Zumé.” (No relation to Zoomba — and you don’t even need special pants.) It’s a collection of tools, skills, and behaviors that will help you become a disciple worth multiplying, then transfer your spiritual walk to others. The course is 10 lessons long, 2 hours per session. There’s no book to buy, nor DVD to rent. You WILL need a group of 4 – 12 people (including you), a willing heart, and a passion for Christ. Once you’ve finished, you’ll know how to multiply disciples, Zumé groups, simple churches and more.

The great news is — the group succeeded. Zumé rolled out to the public, exactly as they dreamed and prayed, on February 14th. Find it at www.ZumeProject.com . A lot of us from Team Expansion are trying it. (Some of us even helped develop it. That’s also part of what we do here at Emerald Hills.) Please consider joining us!

Emerald Hills Financial Report: January

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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