“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed.”

Jeremiah 17:14 

This month, one of our focuses was on healing. God shows His grace and power by bringing great relief, whether it’s from physical suffering, emotional distress, or broken relationships.

“Sara arrived scared and hurting, but before she left she was playing with the other kids at the house.” Read the story

Find more Team Expansion stories of healing here.

Media in Missions

There is an unprecedented opportunity in the world today to use media to send the Gospel into the least reached parts of the world. TV programs, websites, social sites, and portable devices are creating access that has never before existed.

Read Joelle’s story.

Featured Opportunity

Agricultural Specialists
Farming, livestock, and sustainable gardening are an effective and necessary service for developing countries.

We need specialists as teammates and pioneers in these areas to serve in unreached parts of the world!

If you are interested in this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Praise God for bringing social, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing when His people turn to Him. Pray that all healing will bring Him glory and praise!

Pray that many seekers will find access to the Gospel through media, and that they will be led to believers and fellowships for discipleship and training.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

The New Emerald Hills Base Commander
We’ve mentioned before that — the US Army has Fort Benning. Team Expansion has Emerald Hills. And like we’ve said, Fort Benning is a 182,000-acre base near Columbus, Georgia. Emerald Hills is situated on 61 acres on the outskirts of Louisville, Kentucky.

And similar to Fort Benning, Emerald Hills prepares new candidates for global service (spiritual service instead of military). Beyond gearing up new spiritual soldiers, Emerald Hills stages prayer weekends, church missions mobilization courses, disciple making movement trainings and more. In addition, Emerald Hills houses Team Expansion’s International Services team, which scouts out unique new mission opportunities on a global scale, shepherds our 300 full-time missionaries in over 40 countries, and maintains Team Expansion’s status with federal and state governments.
Fort Benning has a base commander, and, likewise, Emerald Hills would not survive without its Facility Manager. When the previous Facility Manager departed in April (to pursue a career in homebuilding and remodeling), Team Expansion’s leadership began praying in earnest for a new strategic commander for its operational base. After a global search, the leadership identified Jeff Cunningham as their first choice. Doug Lucas, Team Expansion’s President and Founder recently said, “Jeff brings with him a history of more than 10 years serving our org under some of the most difficult conditions and in some of the most tumultuous times. Throughout all of those years, he never wavered in his commitment; he never lacked courage. He can recruit, encourage, train, and execute. He can administrate, lead, challenge, and inspire. He is the man God has identified for this hour and we look forward to having him aboard at Emerald Hills.”

As is the case with all Team Expansion missionary positions, the job of Facility Manager is a support-raised role. In other words, even Doug Lucas, the President, has to raise support for Team Expansion equal to his salary. We pray that churches, friends, and individuals will partner with Jeff and Amy to give wings to this essential role. Please join us in that prayer today.

Emerald Hills April Financial Report

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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