A monthly update from Team Expansion

Focus on the Unengaged

Normally we talk about unreached people groups, which are people groups that have less than a 2% Christian population.

Unengaged groups are less than 2% Christians, but there is also no work being done among them. There are no missionaries or churches, no one is praying for them, no church has adopted them, and they have no hope of hearing the gospel.

There are 516 unengaged people groups with more than 100,000 people in each group. Join us in praying that God will raise up workers for these groups, and that the hearts of these lost people would be drawn to Him.

Surfing as Missions?


When “Business as Missions” is a lot more than a desk job.

Read an interview with a couples whose ministry is classified as adventure tourism.

Read the story

Relationship Status

One married worker talks about intensity and intentionality on the field.

What’s it like to find your identity in Christ as a single missionary?

Featured Opportunity

Want to use your degree to travel to far parts of the world, experience first-hand what God is doing in the hearts of the unreached, and directly impact His Kingdom?

Team Expansion desperately needs teachers to serve with our missionary families!

If you are interested in this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Pray for the unengaged groups of the world, with no access to a church, Bible, or Christians. Pray that God will raise up workers and opportunities to enter these groups with the Gospel.

Ask God to give wisdom and influence to the many Team Expansion workers who are serving unreached areas through Business as Mission.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

In the Upside Down Kingdom, Small Begets Big
Donald Kraybill’s book, the Upside Down Kingdom, was originally published in 1978, but the heart message still resonates with many today: When it comes to the Kingdom of God, many “normal” principles seem upside down. We see this, for example, in Jesus’ plan for reaching the nations. He didn’t plan a huge “big impact” approach. It was very simple: invest deeply in a few who would train others, thus multiplying their lives and their footprint on the world.
Curtis Sergeant, a trainer regarding starting up multiplication movements, speaks about this very concept in a video entitled, “Jesus was a bad marketer.” (You can watch it on our www.MoreDisciples.com website at http://moredisciples.com/2016/02/jesus-was-a-bad-marketer/  .) The basic message: Jesus never focused on big, high-impact marketing schemes. His approach: Invest in a few who will invest in a few others — and keep multiplying. That makes for a sustainable movement.
At Emerald Hills and around the world these days, Team Expansion workers are transitioning their mindset to utilize this very approach. Won’t you join us? For example, join us at Emerald Hills for an upcoming prayer weekend. Learn more at http://www.PrayerWeekend.com . The cost is just $30, but the message could change your world through prayer. And by focusing on that tiny change, maybe the world will become majorly different! : )

Emerald Hills January Financial Report

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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