A monthly update from Team Expansion

CPM/DMM: What, huh?

You might know that Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached. But what does that mean? We’d love to show you.

“Our responsibility is to do everything within our power, pray like crazy, and then share with everybody that amazingly Good News.”
– Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Real Life DMM

We earnestly work to see Disciple Making Movements, when each disciple is finding and training new disciples, who find and train new disciples.

Read 10 stories of real life Team Expansion DMM situations.


Mayhem Multiplication

After a terrible tragedy in the Philippines. Nearby missionaries wanted to help. What needed to be done?

The team gave a surprising answer: Come train our pastors to plant churches.

Read the Story

Featured Opportunity
Teammates in SE Asia
Using a strong business platform, one team in SE Asia is seeing literal and spiritual fruit as they try to create multiplying disciples.

But they need teammates!
They’re seeking teammates who will help with the discipleship and church-planting side of the ministry.

If you are interested in this or any other opportunity, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests

Praise God for the amazing multiplication He is accomplishing around the world.

Pray for boldness and opportunity for missionaries, new believers. and seekers to immediately share what they’re learning with their circles of influence.

Pray for God’s Name to be known and worshiped in every nation.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

Me Next!

By Doug Lucas

One of our Team Expansion workers in the Middle East recently baptized 7 people in the Jordan River. One was a man from a country currently being torn up by war and violence. He had a beautiful wife and two wonderful little children. They had been trying to survive in their homeland until one day his father disappeared.

A couple days later he was shown a YouTube video of his father being beheaded by terrorists. He was filled with rage and immediately wanted to avenge his father’s death.

However, his wife convinced him to take her and the kids to safety in a neighboring land, currently at peace. He agreed, thinking he would get them settled then return to hunt down and kill his father’s murderers.

Then something happened: while he was in that neighboring land, the family met our Team Expansion team members, who immediately began sharing the Good News with the family. The man kept putting off his return to his homeland and getting more and more involved in our workers’ Bible studies and eventually decided to be baptized alongside his wife.

When he came out of the water he said all his “anger was gone and he was a new person.” His little daughter of about 6 was sitting at the edge of the water watching her parents be baptized. As they all started to come out of the water she jumped up and yelled, “Me next.”

Our Team Expansion team members had received training at Emerald Hills. That training taught them how to create effective strategies for communicating Christ to the nations. By helping create a “Fort Benning” to equip a global team of world-changers, you’re bringing peace and hope to a world in trouble. Thank you for your partnership in reaching the unreached!

Emerald Hills Financial Report: September | October

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
Copyright © 2016 Team Expansion, All rights reserved.