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Sending from Brazil

Team Expansion is partnering with the Church in Brazil


For a few years, Team Expansion has been exploring partnerships to support the global church, as more and more countries get involved with sending out missionaries.

For example, for some time now our team in Venezuela has done this well, and we’ve also been having conversations with people from other nations.

After a recent training for believers in Brazil, we’re excited to see how they might be the next nation to carry the Gospel!

Read about Brazil and Team Expansion

Praying in Ohio

“I believe that God is already at work in Franklinton. He is drawing people to Himself, taking the scales off people’s eyes, and breaking through the darkness in powerful ways.

It excites me that my role is to come alongside my Heavenly Father in all that He is already doing in the neighborhood.”

Read the story

Hope, Renewal
& Peace

Nery came from a family of abuse and drug addiction.

Mercy is protecting her children from a dangerous threat.

Together, they’re walking in peace.

Read Their Story

Living the Good News

Team Expansion’s president confronts the reality that “the greatest social injustice of our time isn’t lack of clean water, or even lack of food. What we need to recapture and redistribute is the love of Jesus Christ for all humanity.” And how that applies to how we live the Gospel among the nations at our doorstep. Read his plea.

Featured Opportunity

Teammates in Italy
Do you know how desperate the Italian people are for the Gospel?

Our teams near Rome and in Ancona have no doubt. They live within a nation jaded over religious power abuse and lost in their empty efforts toward peace.

As the teams seek to create multiplying disciples in Italy, they are actively praying for teammates.

Do you or someone you know want to see the Italian people know true grace, love and salvation?

For information about this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Pray With Us

Pray for the believers in Brazil and other nations who are ready to take on the task of bringing the Gospel into the world. Ask God to raise up more partnerships in this capacity.

Pray with our workers around the world who are walking their neighborhoods and cities to pray. Ask God to bring them into contact with people who are seeking truth.

Praise God for the many people He has brought into our nation. Pray that while they’re here, they’ll encounter believers and churches who will walk with them in grace and compassion.

Pray for more families to join our teams in Italy! The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.


Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion


Our PMV-KRA’s-CV’s-GP’s

I remember when my son was entering the Army, he had to learn all kinds of acronyms and abbreviations. RTB (return to base), OTM (on the move), SitRep (situation report) and many more.

There’s one acronym I’ve never liked. I’ve never wanted Team Expansion to go the way of CVS. (Does anybody know what CVS stands for, without asking Alexa?) So I want to make it official: Hats off and sincere appreciation to all those who call us by our name, Team Expansion, and never by those dreaded initials (which I won’t even type, thank you very much). We greatly appreciate it.
But I don’t mind using fun acronyms sometimes for other things (besides the name of our org). Take, for instance, our PMV-KRA’s-CV’s-GP’s. (I’m smiling even as I type this — because I’ve never actually used those initials and, if someone were to have asked me before now, I would have had no idea what they are. But I should certainly start.)

Our PMV-KRA’s-CV’s-GP’s are our Purpose, Mission, Vision, Key Result Areas, Core Values, and Great Passions. All of those, along with some of our key 2018 goals, are spelled out on this graphic, which we have on posters around the building:

Why do we post these everywhere? Because, in a nutshell, they describe who and what we hope to be.They answer the question, “How do we want the world to see us?”

You can learn more about these PMV-KRA’s-CV’s-GP’s by watching our Core Training videos 101 and 102 .

And you can actually see a real-time dashboard for our key goals by browsing . (It’s updated every 60 seconds with real-time information from the field.) In this way, you can pray with up-to-date insight and partner with us real-time too. God bless you!

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: November 2017 | December 2017

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Multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached